--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-plucky-proposed-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/plucky-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20250314T005333 --- Type: desktop-application ID: ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina Package: valentina Name: C: Valentina Summary: C: Creating pattern of clothes uk: Π‘ΡΠ²ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½Ρ Π²ΠΈΠΊΡΡΠΉΠΎΠΊ ΠΎΠ΄ΡΠ³Ρ Description: C: >- <p>Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.</p> <p>Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individualβs set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.</p> <p>The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".</p> en: >- <p>Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.</p> <p>Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individualβs set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.</p> <p>The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".</p> Categories: - Graphics - VectorGraphics - 2DGraphics - Engineering - FileTools - Utility Keywords: C: - pattern Icon: cached: - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: ua/com/smart-pattern.valentina/ed556ad9f1962544055e131c3e97db2c/icons/128x128/valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: valentina Launchable: desktop-id: - ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-valentina-pattern --- Type: desktop-application ID: jemboss.desktop Package: jemboss Name: C: Jemboss Summary: C: Graphical user interface for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Description: uk: >- <p>EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.</p> <p>Jemboss ΠΏΡΠ΅Π΄ΡΡΠ°Π²Π»ΡΡ ΡΠΎΠ±ΠΎΡ Π³ΡΠ°ΡΡΡΠ½ΠΈΠΉ ΡΠ½ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ΅ΠΉΡ ΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΠ° (GUI) Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΠ²ΡΠΎΠΏΠ΅ΡΡΠΊΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΠ»Π΅ΠΊΡΡ Π²ΡΠ΄ΠΊΡΠΈΡΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΠ Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠ»Π΅ΠΊΡΠ»ΡΡΠ½ΠΎΡ Π±ΡΠΎΠ»ΠΎΠ³ΡΡ EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). ΠΡΠ½ Ρ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΠ½ΠΎΡ ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΏΠΎΠ²ΡΡΠ΄ΠΆΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ EMBOSS.</p> pt: >- <p>O EMBOSS Γ© um pacote de software livre de cΓ³digo fonte aberto de anΓ‘lise, especialmente desenvolvido para as necessidades da comunidade de utilizadores de biologia molecular (ex. EMBnet). O software trata automaticamente dados numa variedade de formatos e permite ainda uma aquisição transparente de dados sequenciais a partir da web. Como existem bibliotecas extensΓveis fornecidas com o pacote, Γ© uma plataforma que permite a outros cientistas o desenvolvimento e lanΓ§amento de software sobre o espΓrito do verdadeiro cΓ³digo de fonte aberta. O EMBOSS integra tambΓ©m uma variedade de pacotes actuais e ferramentas para anΓ‘lise sequencial tornando-o um conjunto completo. O EMBOSS quebra a tendΓͺncia histΓ³rica para os pacotes de software comerciais.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> fr: >- <p>EMBOSS (« European Molecular Biology Open Software SuiteΒ Β») est un paquet de logiciels d'analyse libre et gratuit, spΓ©cialement dΓ©veloppΓ© pour les besoins de la communautΓ© d'utilisateurs de la biologie molΓ©culaire (par exemple EMBnet β « European Molecular Biology networkΒ Β»). Le logiciel prend automatiquement en charge les donnΓ©es dans divers formats et permet mΓͺme une recherche transparente des donnΓ©es de sΓ©quences Γ partir du web. De plus, comme des bibliothΓ¨ques importantes sont fournies avec le paquet, il s'agit d'une plate-forme permettant aux autres scientifiques de dΓ©velopper et publier des logiciels dans l'esprit du libre. EMBOSS intΓ¨gre Γ©galement un ensemble de paquets actuellement disponibles et des outils pour l'analyse de sΓ©quences dans un tout cohΓ©rent. EMBOSS casse la tendance historique vers des logiciels commerciaux.</p> <p>Jemboss est une interface utilisateur graphique (GUI) pour EMBOSS, la suite logicielle libre de biologie molΓ©culaire europΓ©enne. Il fait partie de la distribution EMBOSS.</p> sk: >- <p>EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) je analytickΓ½ balΓk vyvinutΓ½ Ε‘peciΓ‘lne pre potreby komunity pouΕΎΓvateΔΎov molekulΓ‘rnej biolΓ³gie (napr. EMBnet). SoftvΓ©r automaticky pracuje s dΓ‘tami v rozliΔnΓ½ch formΓ‘toch a dokonca umoΕΎΕuje transparentnΓ© zΓskavanie sekvencovanΓ½ch dΓ‘t z webu. PretoΕΎe s balΓkom sa poskytujΓΊ aj rozsiahle kniΕΎnice, je tieΕΎ platformou umoΕΎΕujΓΊcou inΓ½m vedcom vyvΓjaΕ₯ a vydΓ‘vaΕ₯ softvΓ©r v pravom duchu open source. EMBOSS tieΕΎ integruje mnoΕΎstvo momentΓ‘lne dostupnΓ½ch balΓkov a nΓ‘strojov na analΓ½zu sekvenciΓ do jednΓ©ho celku. EMBOSS preruΕ‘uje historickΓ½ trend smerom ku komerΔnΓ½m balΓkom softvΓ©ru.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> de: >- <p>EMBOSS ist freie, quelloffene Software und ein Analysepaket, das speziell fΓΌr die BedΓΌrfnisse der Molekularbiologie-Anwendergemeinschaft (z.B. EMBnet) entwickelt wurde. Die Software unterstΓΌtzt die Bearbeitung einer Vielzahl von Datenformaten und erlaubt sogar transparente Abfragen von Sequenzdaten aus dem Internet. Durch die umfassenden Bibliotheken, die das Paket bereitstellt, ist es auch eine Plattform, die andere Wissenschaftler darin unterstΓΌtzt, Software im echten Open-Source-Geist zu entwickeln und zu verΓΆffentlichen. EMBOSS integriert zudem eine Reihe von aktuellen Paketen und Werkzeugen zur Sequenzanalyse in ein nahtloses Ganzes. EMBOSS bricht den historischen Trend zu kommerziellen Softwarepaketen.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> ja: >- <p>EMBOSS γ―γεεηη©ε¦γ�γ¦γΌγΆγ³γγ₯γγγ£ (δΎ: EMBnet) γ�γγγ«ιηΊγγγ γͺγΌγγ³γ½γΌγΉγͺ解ζη¨γ½γγγ¦γ§γ’γγγ±γΌγΈγ§γγγγ�γ½γγγ¦γ§γ’γ δ½Ώγγγ¨γ§γζ§γ γͺγγ©γΌγγγγ§ζΈγγγγγΌγΏγθͺεηγ«ε¦ηγγγγ γ¦γ§γγγι εγγΌγΏγιιηγ«εεΎγγγγγ§γγΎγγγΎγγγγ�γγγ±γΌγΈγ«γ― ζ‘εΌ΅γ©γ€γγ©γͺγε«γΎγγ¦γγγ�γ§γηγ�γͺγΌγγ³γ½γΌγΉη²Ύη₯γ«εγ£γ¦ γ½γγγ¦γ§γ’γιηΊγγͺγͺγΌγΉγ§γγγγ©γγγγ©γΌγ γ§γγ γγγ«γEMBOSS γ―ζ§γ γͺι ε解ζη¨γγγ±γΌγΈγγγΌγ«γ¨γ·γΌγ γ¬γΉγ« η΅±εγγγ¦γγΎγγEMBOSS γ―γι·γηΆγγεη¨γγγ±γΌγΈγ½γγγ¦γ§γ’γΈγ�ζ΅γγ ζγ‘εγ£γγ�γ§γγ</p> <p>Jemboss γ― EMBOSS (the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) γΈγ� γ°γ©γγ£γ«γ«γ¦γΌγΆγ€γ³γΏγΌγγ§γΌγΉ (GUI) γ§γγEMBOSS γγ£γΉγγͺγγ₯γΌγ·γ§γ³ γ�δΈι¨γ§γγ</p> sl: >- <p>EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> it: >- <p>EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) Γ¨ una raccolta di software libero e open source di analisi sviluppato in base alle necessitΓ della comunitΓ di utenti di biologia molecolare (come EMBnet). Γ in grado di gestire dati in diversi formati e consente perfino di recuperare dati di sequenze dal web in modo trasparente. Inoltre, dato che il pacchetto fornisce librerie complete, Γ¨ una piattaforma che consente ad altri scienziati di sviluppare e rilasciare software conforme alla vera filosofia open source. EMBOSS Γ¨ dotata anche di strumenti e pacchetti integrati per l'analisi di sequenze. EMBOSS rappresenta un'inversione della tendenza storica a preferire prodotti commerciali.</p> <p>Jemboss Γ¨ un'interfaccia utente grafica (GUI) per EMBOSS: European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (suite europea di software aperto per la biologia molecolare). Fa parte della distribuzione di EMBOSS.</p> ru: >- <p>EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.</p> <p>Jemboss ΠΏΡΠ΅Π΄ΡΡΠ°Π²Π»ΡΠ΅Ρ ΡΠΎΠ±ΠΎΠΉ Π³ΡΠ°ΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΈΠ½ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ΅ΠΉΡ ΠΏΠΎΠ»ΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΠ΅Π»Ρ Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΠ²ΡΠΎΠΏΠ΅ΠΉΡΠΊΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΠ»Π΅ΠΊΡΠ° ΠΎΡΠΊΡΡΡΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΠ Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠ»Π΅ΠΊΡΠ»ΡΡΠ½ΠΎΠΉ Π±ΠΈΠΎΠ»ΠΎΠ³ΠΈΠΈ EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). Π―Π²Π»ΡΠ΅ΡΡΡ ΡΠ°ΡΡΡΡ ΠΏΠ°ΠΊΠ΅ΡΠ° EMBOSS.</p> es: >- <p>EMBOSS (Β«European Molecular Biology Open Software SuiteΒ») es un paquete de programas de anΓ‘lisis de cΓ³digo abierto especialmente desarrollado para cubrir las necesidades de la comunidad de usuarios de biologΓa molecular (p.ej. EMBnet). Los programas usan datos en varios formatos automΓ‘ticamente e, incluso, permiten obtener de forma transparente secuencias de datos de la web. AdemΓ‘s, al proporcionarse grandes bibliotecas con el paquete, es una plataforma que permite a otros cientΓficos desarrollar y publicar programas con un verdadero espΓritu de cΓ³digo abierto. EMBOSS tambiΓ©n integra varios paquetes y herramientas disponibles actualmente para el anΓ‘lisis de secuencias en un entorno integrado. EMBOSS rompe con la tendencia histΓ³rica de paquetes de programas comerciales.</p> <p>Jemboss es una interfaz grΓ‘fica de usuario (GUI) para EMBOSS, el paquete europeo de programas abiertos para biologΓa molecular. Es parte de la distribuciΓ³n de EMBOSS.</p> da: >- <p>EMBOSS er en fri Γ₯ben kildekode-programpakke specielt udviklet for kravene i brugerfΓ¦llesskabet for molekylΓ¦rbiologi (f.eks. EMBnet). Programmet hΓ₯ndterer automatisk data i en rΓ¦kke formater og giver ogsΓ₯ mulighed for gennemsigtig indhentelse af sekvensdata fra nettet. Der tilbydes ogsΓ₯ omfattende biblioteker med pakken, der gΓΈr det til en platform hvor andre videnskabsmΓ¦nd kan udvikle og udgive programmer i Γ₯nden for Γ₯ben kildekode. EMBOSS integrerer ogsΓ₯ en vifte af tilgΓ¦ngelige pakker og vΓ¦rktΓΈjer for sekvensanalyse til en samlet helhed. EMBOSS bryder den historiske trend mod kommercielle programpakker.</p> <p>Jemboos er en Graphical User Interface (GUI) til EMBOSS, European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Det er en del af EMBOSS- distributionen.</p> C: >- <p>EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> en: >- <p>EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.</p> <p>Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.</p> Categories: - Biology - Science - Education Icon: cached: - name: jemboss_jemboss_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - jemboss.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: gshutdown.desktop Package: gshutdown Name: C: GShutdown Summary: fr: Utilitaire pour programmer l'arrΓͺt, le redΓ©marrage de votre ordinateur ou la fermeture de la session actuelle sr: ΠΠ°ΠΏΡΠ΅Π΄Π°Π½ Π°Π»Π°Ρ ΠΊΠΎΡΠΈ ΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡΠ°Π²Π° Π²ΡΠ΅ΠΌΠ΅Π½ΡΠΊΠΎ Π³Π°ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅, ΠΏΠΎΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π½ΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΠΊΡΠ΅ΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠ½Π°ΡΠ° ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΎΠ΄ΡΠ°Π²Ρ sr@Latn: Napredan alat koji omoguΔava vremensko gaΕ‘enje, ponovno pokretanje raΔunara ili odjavu C: An advanced shutdown utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or the restart of your computer it: Utility avanzata che permette di programmare lo spegnimento e il riavvio del tuo computer Description: C: >- <p>GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.</p> <p>The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.</p> en: >- <p>GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.</p> <p>The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.</p> Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: gshutdown_gshutdown.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - gshutdown.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.umbrello.desktop Package: umbrello ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Name: eu: Umbrello zh-TW: Umbrello ka: Umbrello de: Umbrello pt: Umbrello gl: Umbrello pt-BR: Umbrello zh-CN: Umbrello ru: Umbrello el: Umbrello fr: Umbrello C: Umbrello da: Umbrello uk: Umbrello sv: Umbrello sk: Umbrello ca: Umbrello ko: Umbrello es: Umbrello it: Umbrello sl: Umbrello tr: Umbrello id: Umbrello cs: Umbrello fi: Umbrello et: Umbrello pl: Umbrello en-GB: Umbrello ca-valencia: Umbrello hu: Umbrello eo: Umbrello nl: Umbrello Summary: eu: UML modelatzailea zh-TW: UML Modeller ka: UML ααααααα α de: UML-Modeller pt: Modelador de UML gl: Modelador de UML pt-BR: Modelador de UML zh-CN: UML 建樑ε·₯ε · ru: Π‘ΡΠ΅Π΄ΡΡΠ²ΠΎ UML-ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ el: ΞΞΏΞ½ΟΡλοΟΞΏΞΉΞ·ΟΞ�Ο UML fr: Modeleur UML C: UML Modeller da: UML-modellering uk: ΠΠ°ΡΡΠ± ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ UML sv: UML-modellering sk: ModelΓ‘r UML ca: Modelador UML ko: UML λͺ¨λΈλ¬ es: Modelador UML it: Modellatore UML sl: Modelirnik UML tr: UML Modelleyicisi id: Pemodel UML cs: UML modelΓ‘Ε fi: UML-mallinnusohjelma et: UML-i modelleerimise rakendus pl: Program do modelowania UML en-GB: UML Modeller ca-valencia: Modelador UML hu: UML modellezΕ eo: UML-Modelilo nl: UML-modeller Description: eu: >- <p>Umbrello UML (Unified Modelling Language - modelatzeko lengoaia bateratua) modelatzeko tresna bat eta kode-sortzaile bat da. Software-diagramak eta beste sistema batzuk sor ditzake industriaren UML formatu estandarrean, eta UML diagrametatik kodea sor dezake hainbat lengoaiatan.</p> <p>Ezaugarriak:</p> <ul> <li>Onartutako formatuak: XMI</li> <li>Zenbait diagrama mota onartzen ditu: erabilera kasua, klasea, sekuentzia, lankidetza, egoera, jarduera, osagaia, hedatzea, entitate-erlazioa</li> </ul> zh-TW: >- <p>Umbrello ζ―δΈεη΅±δΈε‘樑θͺθ¨ (UML) η建樑ε·₯ε ·θη¨εΌη’Όηζε¨γε�ε―δ»₯ε»Ίη«θ»ι«θε Άδ»η³»η΅±ε葨ε¨ε·₯ζ₯ζ¨ζΊη UML ζ ΌεΌδΈοΌδΈ¦ε―δ»₯εΎ UML εδΈηζ許ε€δΈεηη¨εΌθͺθ¨γ</p> <p>εθ½οΌ</p> <ul> <li>ζ―ζ΄ηζ ΌεΌοΌXMI</li> <li>ζ―ζ΄ζΈη¨�ι‘εηε葨οΌδ½Ώη¨η―δΎγι‘γεΊεγεδ½γηζ γζ΄»εγη΅δ»Άγδ½η½²γε―¦ι«ιδΏ</li> </ul> ka: >- <p>Umbrello α£ααα€ααͺαα ααα£αα ααααααα αααα‘ αααα‘ (UML) αα ααα ααα αα ααααα‘ ααααα αα’αα αα. ααα‘ α¨αα£α«ααα α¨αα₯αααα‘ ααααα ααααα αα ααα αααααα‘αααα‘ αα α‘α�αα α¬αα αααααα‘-α‘α’ααααα α’αα‘ UML α€αα ααα’α¨α αα αα‘ααα α¨αα£α«ααα, αααα α‘α�ααααα‘α�αα αα ααα αααα αααα‘ αααααα‘αααα‘ UML -ααα αααααααα αα αα‘.</p> <p>αααα‘ααααα:</p> <ul> <li>αα�αα ααααα ααα α€αα ααα’ααα: XMI</li> <li>αα�αα ααααα αααα ααααα αααααα‘ α αααααααα α’ααα: use case, class, sequence, communication, state, activity, component, deployment, entity relationship</li> </ul> de: >- <p>Umbrello ist ein Modellierungswerkzeug und Quelltextgenerator fΓΌr die vereinheitlichte Modellierungssprache (UML). Es kΓΆnnen Diagramme von Software und anderen System im Industriestandard UML sowie Quelltext fΓΌr verschiedene Sprachen erstellt werden.</p> <p>Funktionen:</p> <ul> <li>UnterstΓΌtzte Formate: XMI</li> <li>Verschiedene Diagramm-Typen werden unterstΓΌtzt: Anwendungsfalldiagramm, Klassendiagramm, Sequenzdiagramm, Kommunikationsdiagramm, Zustandsdiagramm, AktivitΓ€tsdiagramm, Komponentendiagramm, Verteilungsdiagramm, Entity-Relationship-Diagramm</li> </ul> pt: >- <p>O Umbrello Γ© uma ferramenta de modelação em UML (Unified Modelling Language) e gerador de cΓ³digo. PoderΓ‘ criar diagramas de aplicaçáes e outros sistemas, usando o formato-padrΓ£o da indΓΊstria UML, podendo tambΓ©m gerar cΓ³digo a partir de diagramas UML, numa grande variedade de linguagens de programação.</p> <p>Funcionalidades:</p> <ul> <li>Formatos suportados: XMI</li> <li>Diversos tipos de diagramas suportados: casos de uso, classe, sequΓͺncia, comunicação, estado, actividade, componente, entrada em produção, entidade-associação</li> </ul> zh-CN: >- <p>Umbrello ζ―δΈδΈͺη»δΈε»Ίζ¨‘θ―θ¨οΌUMLοΌε»Ίζ¨‘ε·₯ε ·ε代η ηζε¨γ ε�ε―δ»₯η¨θ‘δΈζ εηUML ζ ΌεΌη»εΆθ½―δ»Άεε Άδ»η³»η»εΎθ‘¨οΌεΉΆδΈθΏε―δ»₯δ» UML εΎηζεη§ηΌη¨θ―θ¨η代η γ</p> <p>εθ½οΌ</p> <ul> <li>ζ―ζζ ΌεΌοΌXMI</li> <li>ζ°η§εζ―ζηεΎθ‘¨οΌη¨δΎεΎγη±»εΎγζΆεΊεΎγιδΏ‘εΎγηΆζεΎγζ΄»ε¨εΎγη»δ»ΆεΎγι¨η½²εΎγERοΌε�δ½ε ³η³»οΌεΎ</li> </ul> pt-BR: >- <p>Umbrello Γ© uma ferramenta de modelação de UML (Unified Modelling Language) e gerador de cΓ³digo. Ele pode criar diagramas de softwares e outros sistemas, usando o formato de UML padrΓ£o da indΓΊstria, assim como gerar cΓ³digo a partir de diagramas UML, em uma grande variedade de linguagens de programação.</p> <p>Funcionalidades:</p> <ul> <li>Formatos suportados: XMI</li> <li>HΓ‘ suporte para diversos tipos de diagramas: casos de uso, classe, sequΓͺncia, comunicação, estado, atividade, componente, distribuição, relacionamento de entidade</li> </ul> gl: >- <p>Umbrello Γ© unha ferramenta de modelaxe e xerador de cΓ³digo baseado na linguaxe de modelaxe UML. Pode crear diagramas de programas e doutros sistemas usando o formato estΓ‘ndar da industria, UML, e pode tamΓ©n xerar cΓ³digo a partir de diagramas UML en varios linguaxes de programaciΓ³n.</p> <p>Funcionalidades:</p> <ul> <li>Formatos compatΓbeis: XMI.</li> <li>Permite traballar con varios tipos de diagramas: caso de uso, clase, secuencia, comunicaciΓ³n, estado, actividade, compoΓ±ente, distribuciΓ³n, e entidade-relaciΓ³n.</li> </ul> ru: >- <p>Umbrello β ΡΡΠΎ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌΠ° Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ Π½Π° ΡΠ½ΠΈΠ²Π΅ΡΡΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠΌ ΡΠ·ΡΠΊΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ (UML) ΠΈ Π³Π΅Π½Π΅ΡΠ°ΡΠΈΠΈ ΠΊΠΎΠ΄Π°. ΠΠ½Π° ΠΏΠΎΠ·Π²ΠΎΠ»ΡΠ΅Ρ ΡΠΎΠ·Π΄Π°Π²Π°ΡΡ Π΄ΠΈΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌΡ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΎΠ±Π΅ΡΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ ΠΈ Π΄ΡΡΠ³ΠΈΡ ΡΠΈΡΡΠ΅ΠΌ Π² ΡΠΎΡΠΌΠ°ΡΠ΅ UML, Π° ΡΠ°ΠΊΠΆΠ΅ Π³Π΅Π½Π΅ΡΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΡ ΠΈΠ· Π΄ΠΈΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌ UML ΠΊΠΎΠ΄ Π½Π° ΡΠ°Π·Π»ΠΈΡΠ½ΡΡ ΡΠ·ΡΠΊΠ°Ρ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ.</p> <p>ΠΠΎΠ·ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½ΠΎΡΡΠΈ:</p> <ul> <li>ΠΠΎΠ΄Π΄Π΅ΡΠΆΠΈΠ²Π°Π΅ΠΌΡΠ΅ ΡΠΎΡΠΌΠ°ΡΡ: XMI</li> <li>ΠΠΎΠ΄Π΄Π΅ΡΠΆΠΈΠ²Π°ΡΡΡΡ Π½Π΅ΡΠΊΠΎΠ»ΡΠΊΠΎ ΡΠΈΠΏΠΎΠ² Π΄ΠΈΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌ: Π²Π°ΡΠΈΠ°Π½Ρ ΠΈΡΠΏΠΎΠ»ΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ, ΠΊΠ»Π°ΡΡ, ΠΏΠΎΡΠ»Π΅Π΄ΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΠ΅Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΡΡΡ, ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΌΡΠ½ΠΈΠΊΠ°ΡΠΈΡ, ΡΠΎΡΡΠΎΡΠ½ΠΈΠ΅, Π°ΠΊΡΠΈΠ²Π½ΠΎΡΡΡ, ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΠΎΠ½Π΅Π½Ρ, ΡΠ°Π·Π²ΡΡΡΡΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΠ΅, ΠΎΡΠ½ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ ΡΡΡΠ½ΠΎΡΡΠ΅ΠΉ</li> </ul> el: >- <p>΀ο Umbrello Ρίναι ΞΞ½Ξ± Ξ΅ΟγαλΡίο Ξ³ΞΉΞ± ΟΞ· Ξ³Ξ»ΟΟΟΞ± ΞΌΞΏΞ½ΟΡλοΟΞΏΞ―Ξ·ΟΞ·Ο Ξ»ΞΏΞ³ΞΉΟΞΌΞΉΞΊΞΏΟ (UML) ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ Ξ΄Ξ·ΞΌΞΉΞΏΟ ΟΞ³Ξ―Ξ±Ο ΞΊΟδικα. ΞΟΞΏΟΡί Ξ½Ξ± Ξ΄Ξ·ΞΌΞΉΞΏΟ ΟΞ³Ξ�ΟΡι διαγΟάμμαΟΞ± λογιΟΞΌΞΉΞΊΞΏΟ ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ άλλΟΞ½ ΟΟ ΟΟΞ·ΞΌΞ¬ΟΟΞ½ Ξ²ΞΉΞΏΞΌΞ·ΟΞ±Ξ½ΞΉΞΊΞΏΟ ΟΟΟΟΟ ΟΞΏΟ UML ΞΊΞ±ΞΈΟΟ ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ Ξ½Ξ± Ξ΄Ξ·ΞΌΞΉΞΏΟ ΟΞ³Ξ�ΟΡι ΞΊΟδικα Ξ±ΟΟ ΟΞ± διαγΟάμμαΟΞ± UML Ξ±ΟΟ ΞΌΞ―Ξ± Οοικιλία Ξ³Ξ»ΟΟΟΟΞ½ ΟΟΞΏΞ³ΟΞ±ΞΌΞΌΞ±ΟΞΉΟΞΌΞΏΟ.</p> <p>ΧαΟΞ±ΞΊΟΞ·ΟΞΉΟΟΞΉΞΊΞ¬:</p> <ul> <li>Ξ₯ΟΞΏΟΟΞ·ΟΞΉΞΆΟμΡνοι ΟΟΟΞΏΞΉ: XMI</li> <li>Ξ₯ΟΞΏΟΟΞ·ΟΞ―ΞΆΞΏΞ½ΟΞ±ΞΉ διάΟΞΏΟΞΏΞΉ ΟΟΟΞΏΞΉ διαγΟΞ±ΞΌΞΌΞ¬ΟΟΞ½: ΟΞ΅ΟΞ―ΟΟΟΟΞ·Ο ΟΟΞ�ΟΞ·Ο, κλάΟΞ·Ο, Ξ±ΞΊΞΏΞ»ΞΏΟ ΞΈΞ―Ξ±Ο, Ξ΅ΟΞΉΞΊΞΏΞΉΞ½ΟΞ½Ξ―Ξ±Ο, ΞΊΞ±ΟΞ¬ΟΟΞ±ΟΞ·Ο, ΟΟ ΟΟΞ±ΟΞΉΞΊΞΏΟ, Ξ±Ξ½Ξ¬ΟΟΟ ΞΎΞ·Ο, ΟΟΞΟΞ΅ΟΞ½ ΞΏΞ½ΟΟΟΞ·ΟΞ±Ο</li> </ul> fr: >- <p>Umbrello est un outil de modΓ©lisation et de gΓ©nΓ©ration de code utilisant le langage « UMLΒ Β» (Unified Modelling Language). Il peut crΓ©er des diagrammes de logiciels et d'autres systΓ¨mes dans le format standard de l'industrie UML, il peut Γ©galement gΓ©nΓ©rer du code Γ partir de diagrammes UML dans de nombreux langages de programmation.</p> <p>FonctionnalitΓ©sΒ :</p> <ul> <li>Formats pris en chargeΒ : XMI</li> <li>DiffΓ©rents types de diagrammes sont gΓ©rΓ©sΒ : cas d'utilisations, classes, sΓ©quences, communications, Γ©tats, activitΓ©s, composants, dΓ©ploiements, relations entre entitΓ©s</li> </ul> uk: >- <p>Umbrello β Π·Π°ΡΡΠ± ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ½ΡΡΡΠΊΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΎΡ ΠΌΠΎΠ²ΠΎΡ ΠΌΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ (UML) ΡΠ° ΡΠ½ΡΡΡΡΠΌΠ΅Π½Ρ Π΄Π»Ρ ΡΡΠ²ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ°Π±Π»ΠΎΠ½ΡΠ² ΠΊΠΎΠ΄Ρ. ΠΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ° Π·Π΄Π°ΡΠ½Π° ΡΡΠ²ΠΎΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ Π΄ΡΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΈ ΡΠΈΡΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ Π·Π°Π±Π΅Π·ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ° ΡΠ½ΡΠΈΡ ΡΠΈΡΡΠ΅ΠΌ Ρ ΡΡΠ°Π½Π΄Π°ΡΡΠ½ΠΎΠΌΡ ΡΠΎΡΠΌΠ°ΡΡ UML ΡΠ° ΡΠ΅Π°Π»ΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²ΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ Π΄ΡΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΈ UML Ρ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ½ΠΎΠΌΡ ΠΊΠΎΠ΄Ρ Π±Π°Π³Π°ΡΡΠΌΠ° ΠΌΠΎΠ²Π°ΠΌΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ.</p> <p>ΠΠΎΠΆΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΠΎΡΡΡ:</p> <ul> <li>ΠΡΠ΄ΡΡΠΈΠΌΡΠ²Π°Π½Ρ ΡΠΎΡΠΌΠ°ΡΠΈ: XMI</li> <li>ΠΡΠ΄ΡΡΠΈΠΌΠΊΠ° Π΄Π΅ΠΊΡΠ»ΡΠΊΠΎΡ ΡΠΈΠΏΡΠ² Π΄ΡΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌ: Π²ΠΈΠΏΠ°Π΄ΠΊΡΠ² Π²ΠΈΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠ°Π½Π½Ρ, ΠΊΠ»Π°ΡΡΠ², ΠΏΠΎΡΠ»ΡΠ΄ΠΎΠ²Π½ΠΎΡΡΡ, ΠΎΠ±ΠΌΡΠ½Ρ Π΄Π°Π½ΠΈΠΌΠΈ, ΡΡΠ°Π½ΡΠ², ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΠΎΠ½Π΅Π½Ρ, ΡΠΎΠ·ΠΌΡΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ° Π²Π·Π°ΡΠΌΠΎΠ·Π²βΡΠ·ΠΊΡ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΠΎΠ½Π΅Π½ΡΡΠ².</li> </ul> da: >- <p>Umbrello er et Unified Modelling Language-modelleringsvΓ¦rktΓΈj (UML) og kodegenerator. Den kan generere diagrammer af software og andre systemer i UML-formatet, som er en industristandard, og kan ogsΓ₯ generere kode fra UML-diagrammer i forskellige programmeringssprog.</p> <p>Funktioner:</p> <ul> <li>UnderstΓΈttede formater: XMI</li> <li>UnderstΓΈtter adskillige diagramtyper: brugsmΓΈnster, klasse, sekvens, kommunikation, tilstand, aktivitet, komponent, udfΓΈrelse, entitetsrelation</li> </ul> C: >- <p> Umbrello is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) modelling tool and code generator. It can create diagrams of software and other systems in the industry-standard UML format, and can also generate code from UML diagrams in a variety of programming languages. </p> <p>Features:</p> <ul> <li>Supported formats: XMI</li> <li>Several type of diagrams supported: use case, class, sequence, communication, state, activity, component, deployment, entity relationship</li> </ul> sv: >- <p>Umbrello Γ€r ett modelleringsverktyg fΓΆr Unified Modelling Language och kodgenerator. Det kan skapa diagram av programvara och andra system med industristandardformatet UML, och kan ocksΓ₯ skapa kod frΓ₯n UML-diagram pΓ₯ ett antal olika programsprΓ₯k.</p> <p>Funktioner:</p> <ul> <li>Format som stΓΆds: XMI</li> <li>Flera diagramtyper stΓΆds: anvΓ€ndningsfall, klass, sekvens, kommunikation, tillstΓ₯nd, aktivitet, komponent, utplacering, objektsamband</li> </ul> ca: >- <p>L'Umbrello Γ©s una eina de modelatge i generador de codi per al Llenguatge Unificat de Modelatge (UML). Pot crear diagrames de programari i altres sistemes en el format UML estΓ ndard de la indΓΊstria, i tambΓ© pot generar codi des de diagrames UML en diversos llenguatges de programaciΓ³.</p> <p>CaracterΓstiques:</p> <ul> <li>Formats admesos: XMI</li> <li>Es permeten diversos tipus de diagrames: cas d'ΓΊs, classe, seqΓΌΓ¨ncia, comunicaciΓ³, estat, activitat, component, desplegament, entitat relaciΓ³</li> </ul> sk: >- <p>Umbrello je nΓ‘stroj na modelovania v UML a generΓ‘tor kΓ³du. DokΓ‘ΕΎe vytvΓ‘raΕ₯ diagramy softvΓ©ru a inΓ½ch systΓ©mov v priemyselnom Ε‘tandarde UML a tieΕΎ generovaΕ₯ kΓ³d z UML diagramov v mnoΕΎstve programovacΓch jazykov.</p> <p>Funkcie:</p> <ul> <li>PodporovanΓ© formΓ‘ty: XMI</li> <li>PodporovanΓ½ch je niekoΔΎko typov diagramov: prΓpady pouΕΎitia, triedy, sekvencie, stavy, aktivity, nasadenie, vzΕ₯ahy entΓt</li> </ul> it: >- <p>Umbrello Γ¨ uno strumento per diagrammi UML e un generatore di codice. PuΓ² creare diagrammi di software e altri sistemi nello standard industriale UML, e puΓ² anche generare codice partendo dai diagrammi UML in diversi linguaggi di programmazione.</p> <p>FunzionalitΓ :</p> <ul> <li>Formati supportati: XMI</li> <li>Diversi tipi di diagrammi supportati: casi d'uso, classe, sequenza, comunicazione, stato, attivitΓ , componente, dispiegamento, relazione tra entitΓ </li> </ul> ko: >- <p>Umbrelloλ ν΅ν© λͺ¨λΈλ§ μΈμ΄(UML) λͺ¨λΈλ§ λꡬ λ° μ½λ μμ±κΈ°μ λλ€. μ°μ νμ€ UML ν¬λ§·μΌλ‘ μννΈμ¨μ΄ λ° κΈ°ν μμ€ν λ€μ΄μ΄κ·Έλ¨μ μμ±ν μ μμΌλ©°, UML λ€μ΄μ΄κ·Έλ¨μμ μ¬λ¬ νλ‘κ·Έλλ° μΈμ΄λ‘ μ½λλ₯Ό μμ±ν μ μμ΅λλ€.</p> <p>κΈ°λ₯:</p> <ul> <li>μ§μνλ νμ: XMI</li> <li>μ§μνλ λ€μ΄μ΄κ·Έλ¨ μ’ λ₯: μ¬μ© μμ, ν΄λμ€, μνμ€, ν΅μ , μν, νλ, κ΅¬μ± μμ, λ°°ν¬, μν°ν° κ΄κ³</li> </ul> es: >- <p>Umbrello es una herramienta de modelado y de generaciΓ³n de cΓ³digo para el lenguaje unificado de modelado (UML). Puede crear diagramas de software y de otros sistemas en el formato estΓ‘ndar de la industria UML, ademΓ‘s de generar cΓ³digo a partir de diagramas UML en diversos lenguajes de programaciΓ³n.</p> <p>Funciones:</p> <ul> <li>Formatos permitidos: XMI</li> <li>Permite usar varios tipos de diagramas: casos de uso, clase, secuencia, comunicaciΓ³n, estado, actividad, componente, despliegue y relaciΓ³n de entidades</li> </ul> sl: >- <p>Umbrello je orodje za modeliranje v poenotenem jeziku za modeliranje (UML) in generator kode. Ustvari lahko diagrame programov in drugih sistemov v industrijski standardizirani obliki UML, iz diagramov UML pa lahko ustvari tudi kodo v razliΔnih programskih jezikih.</p> <p>ZmoΕΎnosti:</p> <ul> <li>Podprte vrste: XMI</li> <li>Podprte so Ε‘tevilne vrste diagramov: primer uporabe, razred, zaporedje, sporazumevanje, stanje, dejavnost, sestavni del, namestitev, odvisnost entitet</li> </ul> tr: >- <p>Umbrello, BirleΕik Modelleme Dili (UML) modelleme aracΔ± ve kod ΓΌretecidir. EndΓΌstri standardΔ± UML biΓ§iminde yazΔ±lΔ±m ve diΔer sistem Γ§izimlerini oluΕturabilir ve ayrΔ±ca Γ§eΕitli programlama dillerinde UML Γ§izimlerinden kod ΓΌretebilir.</p> <p>Γzellikler:</p> <ul> <li>Desteklenen biΓ§imler: XMI</li> <li>ΓeΕitli tΓΌrde diyagramlar desteklenir: KullanΔ±m senaryosu, sΔ±nΔ±f, sΔ±ralama, iletiΕim, durum, eylem, bileΕen, daΔΔ±lΔ±m, varlΔ±k baΔΔ±ntΔ±sΔ±</li> </ul> id: >- <p>Umbrello adalah sebuah alat pemodelan Unified Modelling Language (UML) dan penghasil kode. Ini bisa menciptakan diagram perangkat lunak dan sistem lain dalam format UML industri standar, dan juga bisa menghasilkan kode dari diagram UML dalam bermacam bahasa pemrograman.</p> <p>Fitur:</p> <ul> <li>Format yang didukung: XMI</li> <li>Beberapa tipe diagram yang didukung: penggunaan huruf, kelas, rentetan, komunikasi, keadaan, aktivitas, komponen, penyebaran, hubungan entitas</li> </ul> fi: >- <p>Umbrello on UML-mallinnusohjelma. Umbrellolla voi luoda kaavioita ohjelmistoista ja muista jΓ€rjestelmistΓ€ kΓ€yttΓ€en standardia UML-muotoa. SillΓ€ voi myΓΆs luoda koodin UML-kaavioiden perusteella useille ohjelmointikielille.</p> <p>Ominaisuuksia:</p> <ul> <li>Tukee XMI-tiedostomuotoa</li> <li>Tukee monenlaisia kaavioita: kΓ€yttΓΆtapauskaavio, luokkakaavio, sekvenssikaavio, kommunikointikaavio, tilakaavio, aktiviteettikaavio, komponenttikaavio, sijoittelukaavio, kΓ€sitekaavio</li> </ul> et: >- <p>Umbrello on unifitseeritud modelleerimiskeele UML modelleerimistΓΆΓΆriist ja koodi genereerija. See vΓ΅ib luua tarkvara ja muude sΓΌsteemide skeeme standardses UML-vormingus, samuti genereerida UML-skeemide pΓ΅hjal koodi mitmes programmeerimiskeeles.</p> <p>Omadused:</p> <ul> <li>Toetatud vormingud: XMI</li> <li>Toetatud on mitut tΓΌΓΌpi skeemid: kasutus, klass, jΓ€rgnevus, suhtlus, olek, tegevus, komponent, evitus, olem-seos</li> </ul> pl: >- <p>Umbrello jest Unified Modelling Language (UML) (z ang. JΔzykiem do Jednolitego Modelowania) i generatorem kodu. MoΕΌe tworzyΔ diagramy oprogramowania i innych systemΓ³w w formacie standardu przemysΕowego UML, a takΕΌe generowaΔ kod z diagramΓ³w UML w wielu jΔzykach programowania.</p> <p>MoΕΌliwoΕci:</p> <ul> <li>ObsΕugiwane formaty: XMI</li> <li>Kilka obsΕugiwanych rodzajΓ³w diagramΓ³w: przypadki uΕΌycia, klasy, sekwencje, komunikacja, stany, aktywnoΕci, skΕadniki, zastosowanie, wspΓ³ΕzaleΕΌnoΕci obiektΓ³w</li> </ul> hu: >- <p>Az Umbrello egy UML (Unified Modelling Language) modellezΕ eszkΓΆz Γ©s kΓ³dgenerΓ‘lΓ³. KΓ©pes lΓ©trehozni szoftverek Γ©s egyΓ©b rendszerek diagramjait az iparΓ‘gi szabvΓ‘ny UML-formΓ‘tumban, tovΓ‘bbΓ‘ kΓ³dot generΓ‘lni ezekbΕl az UML-diagramokbΓ³l szΓ‘mos programozΓ‘si nyelven.</p> <p>SzolgΓ‘ltatΓ‘sok:</p> <ul> <li>TΓ‘mogatott formΓ‘tumok: XMI</li> <li>TΓΆbbfΓ©le diagramtΓpus tΓ‘mogatott: hasznΓ‘lati eset, osztΓ‘ly, szekvencia, kommunikΓ‘ciΓ³, Γ‘llapot, tevΓ©kenysΓ©g, komponens, kΓΆzponti telepΓtΓ©s, entitΓ‘skapcsolat</li> </ul> ca-valencia: >- <p>Umbrello Γ©s una eina de modelatge i generador de codi per al Llenguatge Unificat de Modelatge (UML). Pot crear diagrames de programari i altres sistemes en el format UML estΓ ndard de la indΓΊstria, i tambΓ© pot generar codi des de diagrames UML en diversos llenguatges de programaciΓ³.</p> <p>CaracterΓstiques:</p> <ul> <li>Formats admesos: XMI</li> <li>Es permeten diversos tipus de diagrames: cas d'ΓΊs, classe, seqΓΌΓ¨ncia, comunicaciΓ³, estat, activitat, component, desplegament, entitat relaciΓ³</li> </ul> en-GB: >- <p>Umbrello is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) modelling tool and code generator. It can create diagrams of software and other systems in the industry-standard UML format, and can also generate code from UML diagrams in a variety of programming languages.</p> <p>Features:</p> <ul> <li>Supported formats: XMI</li> <li>Several type of diagrams supported: use case, class, sequence, communication, state, activity, component, deployment, entity relationship</li> </ul> eo: >- <p>Umbrello estas modelilo kaj kodgenerilo de UnuiΔinta Modelad-Lingvo (UML). Δi povas krei diagramojn de softvaraj aΕ aliaj sistemoj en la indstrie normigita UML-formato, kaj povas ankaΕ generi fontkodon el UML-diagramoj en vario de programlingvoj.</p> <p>Kapabloj:</p> <ul> <li>Subtenataj formatoj: XMI</li> <li>Pluraj diagramtipoj subtenataj: uzkaza, klasa, sekvenca, komunikada, stata, aktiveca, komponanta, deploja, entorilata</li> </ul> nl: >- <p>Umbrello is een Unified Modelling Language (UML) hulpmiddel voor modellering en generator van code. Het kan diagrammen van software en andere systemen maken in het industrie-standaard UML-formaat en kan ook code genereren uit UML diagrammen in een verscheidenheid van programmeertalen.</p> <p>Kenmerken:</p> <ul> <li>Ondersteunde formaten: XMI</li> <li>Verschillende typen diagrammen worden ondersteund: use case, klassen, volgorde, communicatie, status, activiteit, component, toepassing, relaties tussen eenheden</li> </ul> ProjectGroup: KDE Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://apps.kde.org/umbrello bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=umbrello help: https://docs.kde.org/?application=umbrello donation: https://www.kde.org/community/donations/?app=umbrello&source=appdata Icon: cached: - name: umbrello_umbrello.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: umbrello_umbrello.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: umbrello_umbrello.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/icons/128x128/umbrello_umbrello.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: umbrello Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.umbrello.desktop Provides: binaries: - umbrello5 mediatypes: - application/x-uml - text/x-xmi Screenshots: - default: true caption: id: Menampilkan diagram kelas es: VisualizaciΓ³n de un diagrama de clase sv: Visa klassdiagram sk: ZobraziΕ₯ diagram tried ko: ν΄λμ€ λ€μ΄μ΄κ·Έλ¨ νμ en-GB: Showing class diagram ca: Mostrant un diagrama de classes it: Mostrando il diagramma delle classi ca-valencia: Mostrant un diagrama de classes tr: SΔ±nΔ±f diyagramΔ± gΓΆsteriliyor de: Anzeige eines Klassendiagramms fi: NΓ€ytetÀÀn luokkadiagrammi et: Klassiskeemi nΓ€itamine pl: Pokazywanie diagramu klasy fr: Affichage du diagramme de classe pt: A mostrar um diagrama de classes el: ΞΞΌΟάνιΟΞ· διαγΟάμμαΟΞΏΟ ΞΊΞ»Ξ¬ΟΞ·Ο C: Showing class diagram cs: Zobrazuje diagram tΕΓdy eo: Montranta klasdiagramon sl: Prikazuje diagram razredov eu: Klase-diagrama erakusten pt-BR: Mostrando um diagrama de classes uk: ΠΠΎΠΊΠ°Π· Π΄ΡΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΈ ΠΊΠ»Π°ΡΡ hu: OsztΓ‘lydiagram megjelenΓtΓ©se ka: αααα‘αα‘ ααααα αααα‘ α©αααααα nl: Klassediagram wordt getoond gl: Mostra un diagrama de clases. ru: ΠΠΈΠ°Π³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠΌΠ° ΠΊΠ»Π°ΡΡΠΎΠ² thumbnails: - url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/screenshots/image-1_1248x775@1.png width: 1248 height: 775 - url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/screenshots/image-1_752x467@1.png width: 752 height: 467 - url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/screenshots/image-1_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/screenshots/image-1_224x139@1.png width: 224 height: 139 source-image: url: org/kde/umbrello.desktop/b6db29d063fab2f0053ca22d5403cab1/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1252 height: 778 Releases: - version: 23.08.4 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1701907200 - version: 23.08.3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1699488000 - version: 23.08.2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1697068800 - version: 23.08.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1694649600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: nanovnasaver.desktop Package: nanovna-saver Name: C: NanoVNASaver de-DE: NanoVNASaver Summary: C: Tool for reading, displaying and saving data from the NanoVNA de-DE: Programm das Daten vom NanoVNA liest, anzeigt und speichert Description: C: >- <p>The NanoVNA device is a vector network analyzer and antenna analyzer, useful to test or instrument various kinds of radio networks.</p> <p>NanoVNA-saver imports Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweeps frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally displays and analyzes the resulting data.</p> en: >- <p>The NanoVNA device is a vector network analyzer and antenna analyzer, useful to test or instrument various kinds of radio networks.</p> <p>NanoVNA-saver imports Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweeps frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally displays and analyzes the resulting data.</p> Categories: - Electronics - Education Keywords: C: - radio - frequency - analysis Icon: cached: - name: nanovna-saver_NanoVNASaver_48x48.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: nanovna-saver_NanoVNASaver_48x48.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: NanoVNASaver_48x48 Launchable: desktop-id: - NanoVNASaver.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xsok.desktop Package: xsok Name: C: Xsokoban Summary: C: Sokoban game for X11 de: Sokobanspiel fΓΌr X11 Description: uk: >- <p>xsok β ΡΡΡΠ°ΡΠ΅Π³ΡΡΠ½Π° Π³ΡΠ° Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΡΡΡ Π»ΡΠ΄ΠΈΠ½ΠΈ, ΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ Π²ΡΠ΄ΠΎΠΌΠΎΡ Π³ΡΠΈ Sokoban.</p> <p>ΠΠ΅ΡΠ° Sokoban β ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΠΌΡΡΡΠΈΡΠΈ ΡΡΡ ΠΎΠ±βΡΠΊΡΠΈ Π½Π° ΠΊΠΎΠΆΠ½ΠΎΠΌΡ ΡΡΠ²Π½Ρ Π² Π·Π°Π΄Π°Π½Ρ ΠΌΡΡΡΡ Π·Π° Π΄ΠΎΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ³ΠΎΡ ΠΌΠΈΡΡ ΡΠΈ ΠΊΠ»Π°Π²ΡΠ°ΡΡΡΠΈ. ΠΠ° Π΄Π΅ΡΠΊΠΈΡ ΡΡΠ²Π½ΡΡ Ρ ΡΡΠ·Π½Ρ ΡΠΈΠΏΠΈ ΠΎΠ±βΡΠΊΡΡΠ² ΡΠ° ΠΊΠ»ΡΡΠΈΠ½ΠΈ Π·Ρ ΡΠΏΠ΅ΡΡΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΈΠΌΠΈ Π΅ΡΠ΅ΠΊΡΠ°ΠΌΠΈ.</p> fr: >- <p>Xsok est un jeu de stratΓ©gie Γ un seul joueur, un sur-ensemble du jeu bien connu Sokoban.</p> <p>Le but de Sokoban est de pousser des objets dans la zone cible de chaque niveau en utilisant la souris ou les flΓ¨ches du clavier. Pour les autres sous-ensembles de niveau, il existe diffΓ©rentes sortes dβobjet, et des carrΓ©s spΓ©ciaux Γ effets.</p> ko: >- <p>xsokμ μ±κΈ νλ μ΄μ΄ μ λ΅ κ²μμΌλ‘ μ μλ €μ§ Sokoban κ²μμ μνΌμ μ λλ€.</p> <p>Sokobanμ λͺ©νλ λ§μ°μ€λ νμ΄ν ν€λ₯Ό μ¬μ©ν΄μ λͺ¨λ κ°μ²΄λ₯Ό κ° λ 벨μ μ μ μμμ λ°μ΄ λ£λ κ² μ λλ€. λ€λ₯Έ κ²½μ°μ μλΈμΈνΈ κ²½μ°μλ, λ€μν μ’ λ₯μ κ°μ²΄μ νΉμ ν¨κ³Ό μ¬κ°νμ΄ μμ΅λλ€.</p> de: >- <p>xsok ist ein Strategiespiel fΓΌr einen Spieler. Es ist eine erweiterte Version des bekannten Sokoban-Spiels.</p> <p>Das Ziel von Sokoban ist es, mittels Maus oder den Pfeiltasten alle Objekte in die Punktebereiche eines jeden Levels zu schieben. Bei anderen Level-Abschnitten gibt es verschiedene Arten an Objekten und spezielle Quadrate, die Effekte auslΓΆsen.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>xsok Γ© um jogo de estratΓ©gia individual, uma extensΓ£o do conhecido jogo Sokoban.</p> <p>O objetivo do Sokoban Γ© empurrar todos os objetos para dentro de uma Γ‘rea demarcada por nΓvel usando o mouse ou as setas. Para os outros subconjuntos de nΓveis, existem diferentes tipos de objetos, e quadrados com efeitos especiais.</p> ja: >- <p>xsok γ―γγ·γ³γ°γ«γγ¬γ€γ€γΌζ¦η₯γ²γΌγ γ§γγγζεγͺεεΊ«ηͺ γ²γΌγ γ�γΉγΌγγΌγ»γγγ§γγ</p> <p>εεΊ«ηͺγ�η�ηγ―γγγ¦γΉγη’ε°γγΌγδ½Ώγ£γ¦ε ¨γ¦γ�θ·η©γεγ¬γγ«γ� εΎηΉι εγ«ζΌγθΎΌγγγ¨γ§γγδ»γ�γ¬γγ«γ�γ΅γγ»γγγ§γ―γη°γͺγθ·η© γγγ£γγγηΉζ�εΉζγζγ€γΎγγεε¨γγγγγΎγγ</p> pl: >- <p>xsok to gra strategiczna dla jednego gracza, stanowiΔ ca nadzbiΓ³r znanej gry Sokoban.</p> <p>Celem gry Sokoban jest wepchniΔcie wszystkich obiektΓ³w do obszaru punktacji na kaΕΌdym poziomie za pomocΔ myszy lub klawiszy strzaΕek. Dla podzbiorΓ³w innych poziomΓ³w dostΔpne sΔ rΓ³ΕΌne rodzaje obiektΓ³w oraz kwadraty z efektami specjalnymi.</p> it: >- <p>xsok Γ¨ un gioco solitario di strategia, un sostituto del noto gioco Sokoban.</p> <p>Lo scopo in Sokoban Γ¨ di spingere tutti gli oggetti nell'area dei punti per ogni livello utilizzando il mouse o i tasti freccia. Per ogni livello ci sono diverse tipologie di oggetti e quadrati con effetti speciali.</p> ru: >- <p>xsok β ΡΡΡΠ°ΡΠ΅Π³ΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠΊΠ°Ρ ΠΈΠ³ΡΠ° Π΄Π»Ρ ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΡΠ΅Π»ΠΎΠ²Π΅ΠΊΠ°, ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ ΠΈΠ·Π²Π΅ΡΡΠ½ΠΎΠΉ ΠΈΠ³ΡΡ Sokoban.</p> <p>Π¦Π΅Π»Ρ Sokoban β ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡΠΈΡΡ Π²ΡΠ΅ ΠΎΠ±ΡΠ΅ΠΊΡΡ Π½Π° ΠΊΠ°ΠΆΠ΄ΠΎΠΌ ΡΡΠΎΠ²Π½Π΅ Π² Π·Π°Π΄Π°Π½Π½ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡΠ° ΠΏΡΠΈ ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡΠΈ ΠΌΡΡΠΈ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΊΠ»Π°Π²ΠΈΠ°ΡΡΡΡ. ΠΠ° Π½Π΅ΠΊΠΎΡΠΎΡΡΡ ΡΡΠΎΠ²Π½ΡΡ Π΅ΡΡΡ ΡΠ°Π·Π½ΡΠ΅ ΡΠΈΠΏΡ ΠΎΠ±ΡΠ΅ΠΊΡΠΎΠ² ΠΈ ΠΊΠ»Π΅ΡΠΊΠΈ ΡΠΎ ΡΠΏΠ΅ΡΠΈΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΡΠΌΠΈ ΡΡΡΠ΅ΠΊΡΠ°ΠΌΠΈ.</p> C: >- <p>xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.</p> <p>The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.</p> da: >- <p>xsok er et strategispil for en spiller, et supersΓ¦t af det velkendte Sokobanspil.</p> <p>MΓ₯let i Sokoban er at skubbe alle objekterne ind i pointomrΓ₯det pΓ₯ hvert niveau med brug af musen eller piletasterne. For de andre niveauundersΓ¦t er der forskellige slags objekter og specielle effektfirkanter.</p> en: >- <p>xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.</p> <p>The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.</p> Categories: - Game - LogicGame Keywords: C: - sokoban - logic - puzzle Icon: cached: - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/xs/xsok.desktop/35ccbc1ed03f4a71cefee7a4e42ebbf5/icons/128x128/xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: xsok Launchable: desktop-id: - xsok.desktop --- Type: console-application ID: org.kde.clazy Package: clazy ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: he: Clazy eu: Clazy vi: Clazy zh-TW: Clazy az: Clazy ka: Clazy de: Clazy pt: Clazy nn: Clazy pt-BR: Clazy ro: Clazy zh-CN: Clazy ru: Clazy el: Clazy fr: Clazy C: Clazy gl: Clazy uk: Clazy lt: Clazy ca: Clazy sk: Clazy sv: Clazy ko: Clazy es: Clazy ar: ΩΩΨ§Ψ²Ω it: Clazy hi: ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Όΰ₯ sl: Clazy tr: Clazy cs: Clazy fi: Clazy et: Clazy pl: Clazy en-GB: Clazy ca-valencia: Clazy hu: Clazy eo: Clazy nl: Clazy Summary: he: ΧΧΧΧ¨ Clang Χ©Χ€ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ¨ΧΧͺ Χ©Χ§Χ©ΧΧ¨ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧΧ¦ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧͺΧ¨ Χ©Χ Qt eu: Clang konpilatzailearen plugin bat, Qt-ren gaineko praktika onenen abisuak igortzen dituena vi: Mα»t phαΊ§n cΓ i cαΊ―m trΓ¬nh biΓͺn dα»ch Clang, ΔΖ°a ra cΓ‘c cαΊ£nh bΓ‘o liΓͺn quan ΔαΊΏn cΓ‘c thα»±c hΓ nh Qt tα»t nhαΊ₯t zh-TW: δΈεζηΌεΊθ Qt ζδ½³ε―¦θΈηΈιθ¦εη Clang η·¨θ―ε¨ε€ζη¨εΌ az: Ζn yaxΕΔ± Qt tΙcrΓΌbΙlΙri ilΙ ΙlaqΙli xΙbΙrdarlΔ±qlarΔ± bildirΙn Clang komplilyatoru qoΕmasΔ± ka: Clang αααααααα’αα αα‘ ααααα’ααα, α ααααααͺ Qt-αα‘ α‘αα£ααααα‘α αα αα₯α’αααα‘ αααααααα‘α¬αααααα ααα©αααααα ααα€α αα�ααααααα‘ de: Ein Clang-Compiler-Modul, das Warnungen in Bezug auf bewΓ€hrte Techniken fΓΌr Qt ausgibt pt: Um 'plugin' do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados com as boas prΓ‘ticas do Qt nn: Kompilatortillegg for Clang som viser Γ₯tvaringar knytte til mΓΈnsterpraksis for Qt-utvikling pt-BR: Um plugin do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados Γ s melhores prΓ‘ticas do Qt ro: Extensie de compilator Clang ce emite avertizΔri legate de practicile recomandate Qt zh-CN: δΈδΈͺ Clang ηΌθ―ε¨ζδ»ΆοΌεεΊδΈ Qt ζδ½³ε�θ·΅ηΈε ³ηθ¦ε el: ΞΞ½Ξ± ΟΟΟΟΞΈΞ΅ΟΞΏ ΞΌΞ΅ΟΞ±Ξ³Ξ»ΟΟΟΞΉΟΟΞ� Clang ΞΌΞ΅ ΟΟοΡιδοΟΞΏΞΉΞ�ΟΞ΅ΞΉΟ ΟΟΞ΅ΟΞΉΞΊΞΟ ΞΌΞ΅ ΟΞΉΟ Ξ²ΞΞ»ΟΞΉΟΟΞ΅Ο ΟΟΞ±ΞΊΟΞΉΞΊΞΟ ΟΞ΅ Qt fr: Un module externe pour le compilateur Clang Γ©mettant des avertissements concernant les bonnes pratiques Qt. C: A Clang compiler plugin which emits warnings related to Qt best practices gl: Un complemento do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados con boas prΓ‘cticas de Qt. uk: ΠΠΎΠ΄Π°ΡΠΎΠΊ Π΄ΠΎ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΡΠ»ΡΡΠΎΡΠ° Clang, ΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΏΠΎΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π΄ΠΆΠ°Ρ ΠΏΡΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΡΡΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΠ» ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΠ»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ Π· Π²ΠΈΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠ°Π½Π½ΡΠΌ Qt lt: Clang kompiliatoriaus papildinys, kuris parodo Δ―spΔjimus, susijusius su Qt gerΔ ja patirtimi sv: Ett insticksprogram fΓΆr Clang-kompilatorn som producerar varningar relaterade till bΓ€sta praxis fΓΆr Qt ca: Un connector del compilador Clang que emet avisos relacionats amb les millors prΓ ctiques de les Qt sk: Plugin prekladaΔ Clang, ktorΓ½ generuje upozornenia sΓΊvisiace s najlepΕ‘Γmi praktikami Qt ko: Qt κΆκ³ μ¬νκ³Ό κ΄λ ¨λ κ²½κ³ λ₯Ό μΆλ ₯νλ Clang μ»΄νμΌλ¬ νλ¬κ·ΈμΈ es: Un complemento del compilador Clang que emite advertencias relacionadas con las prΓ‘cticas adecuadas de Qt ar: ΩΩΨ§Ψ²Ω ΩΩ Ω ΩΩΩ Ψ₯ΨΆΨ§ΩΩ ΩΩ ΨͺΨ±Ψ¬Ω Clang ΩΨ΅Ψ―Ψ± ΨͺΨΨ°ΩΨ±Ψ§Ψͺ ΨͺΨͺΨΉΩΩ Ψ¨Ψ£ΩΨΆΩ Ψ§ΩΩ Ω Ψ§Ψ±Ψ³Ψ§Ψͺ ΩΩ ΩΩΩ ΨͺΩ it: Un'estensione per il compilatore Clang che emette avvisi relativi alle migliori pratiche per Qt hi: ΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ€ΰ€ͺΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€²ΰ€° ΰ€ͺΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€¨ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ₯ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€Έΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€΅ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€� ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€§ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€Έΰ€�ΰ₯ΰ€¬ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€§ ΰ€�ΰ₯ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€΅ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€Ά ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύ ΰ€Ήΰ₯. sl: VtiΔnik za prevajalnik Clang, ki oddaja opozorila, povezana z najboljΕ‘imi praksami Qt tr: Qt iΓ§in Kod DΓΌzenleyicisi fi: Clang-kÀÀntΓ€jΓ€liitΓ€nnΓ€inen, joka esittÀÀ varoituksia hyvistΓ€ Qt-kΓ€ytΓ€nteistΓ€ et: Clangi kompilaatori plugin, mis vΓ€ljastab Qt parima praktikaga seonduvaid hoiatusi pl: Wtyczka do kompilatora Clang, ktΓ³ra wydaje ostrzeΕΌenia powiΔ zane z najlepszymi praktykami Qt en-GB: A Clang compiler plugin which emits warnings related to Qt best practices ca-valencia: Un connector del compilador Clang que emet avisos relacionats amb les millors prΓ ctiques de les Qt hu: A Clang fordΓtΓ³program bΕvΓtmΓ©nye, amely a Qt legjobb gyakorlataihoz kapcsolΓ³dΓ³ figyelmeztetΓ©seket ad eo: Clang-kompilila kromprogramo kiu elmetas avertojn rilatajn al plej konsilindaj praktikoj de Qt nl: Een Clang-compilerplug-in die waarschuwingen uitstuurt gerelateerd aan de beste praktijken van Qt Description: he: >- <p>Clazy ΧΧΧ ΧͺΧΧ‘Χ£ ΧΧΧΧΧ¨ clang Χ©Χ€ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ¨ΧΧͺ Χ©Χ§Χ©ΧΧ¨ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧΧ¦ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧͺΧ¨ Χ©Χ Qt.</p> vi: >- <p>Clazy lΓ mα»t phαΊ§n cΓ i cαΊ―m trΓ¬nh biΓͺn dα»ch clang, ΔΖ°a ra cΓ‘c cαΊ£nh bΓ‘o liΓͺn quan ΔαΊΏn cΓ‘c thα»±c hΓ nh Qt tα»t nhαΊ₯t.</p> eu: >- <p>Clazy Clang konpilatzailearen plugin bat da, Qt-ren gaineko praktika onenen abisuak igortzen dituena.</p> zh-TW: >- <p>Clazy ζ―δΈεζηΌεΊθ Qt ζδ½³ε―¦θΈηΈιθ¦εη Clang η·¨θ―ε¨ε€ζη¨εΌγ</p> ka: >- <p>Clang αααααααα’αα αα‘ ααααα’ααα, α ααααααͺ Qt-αα‘ α‘αα£ααααα‘α αα αα₯α’αααα‘ αααααααα‘α¬αααααα ααα©αααααα ααα€α αα�ααααααα‘.</p> az: >- <p>Clazy, Ιn yaxΕΔ± Qt tΙcrΓΌbΙlΙri ilΙ ΙlaqΙli xΙbΙrdarlΔ±qlarΔ± bildirΙn bir clang kompilyatorudur.</p> de: >- <p>Clazy ist ein Compiler-Modul, das Warnungen in Bezug auf bewΓ€hrte Techniken fΓΌr Qt ausgibt.</p> pt: >- <p>O Clazy Γ© um 'plugin' do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados com as boas prΓ‘ticas do Qt.</p> zh-CN: >- <p>Clazy ζ―δΈδΈͺ Clang ηΌθ―ε¨ζδ»ΆοΌεεΊδΈ Qt ζδ½³ε�θ·΅ηΈε ³ηθ¦εγ</p> nn: >- <p>Clazy er eit kompilatortillegg for Clang som viser Γ₯tvaringar knytte til mΓΈnsterpraksis for Qt-utvikling.</p> gl: >- <p>Clazy Γ© un complemento do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados con boas prΓ‘cticas de Qt.</p> pt-BR: >- <p>O Clazy Γ© um plugin do compilador Clang que emite avisos relacionados Γ s melhores prΓ‘ticas do Qt</p> el: >- <p>΀ο Clazy Ρίναι ΞΞ½Ξ± ΟΟΟΟΞΈΞ΅ΟΞΏ ΞΌΞ΅ΟΞ±Ξ³Ξ»ΟΟΟΞΉΟΟΞ� clang ΟΞΏ ΞΏΟΞΏΞ―ΞΏ ΟΟΞλνΡι ΟΟοΡιδοΟΞΏΞΉΞ�ΟΞ΅ΞΉΟ ΟΟΞ΅ΟΞΉΞΊΞΟ ΞΌΞ΅ ΟΞΉΟ Ξ²ΞΞ»ΟΞΉΟΟΞ΅Ο ΟΟΞ±ΞΊΟΞΉΞΊΞΟ ΟΞ΅ Qt.</p> fr: >- <p>Clazy est un module externe « ClangΒ Β», Γ©mettant des avertissements concernant les bonnes pratiques pour Qt.</p> uk: >- <p>Clazy Ρ Π΄ΠΎΠ΄Π°ΡΠΊΠΎΠΌ Π΄ΠΎ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠΏΡΠ»ΡΡΠΎΡΠ° Clang, ΡΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΏΠΎΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π΄ΠΆΠ°Ρ ΠΏΡΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΡΡΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΠ» ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΠ»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ Π· Π²ΠΈΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠ°Π½Π½ΡΠΌ Qt.</p> ro: >- <p>Clazy e o extensie de compilator Clang ce emite avertizΔri legate de practicile recomandate Qt.</p> C: >- <p>Clazy is a clang compiler plugin which emits warnings related to Qt best practices.</p> lt: >- <p>Clang yra clang kompiliatoriaus papildinys, kuris parodo Δ―spΔjimus, susijusius su Qt gerΔ ja patirtimi.</p> sv: >- <p>Clazy Γ€r ett insticksprogram fΓΆr Clang-kompilatorn som producerar varningar relaterade till bΓ€sta praxis fΓΆr Qt.</p> sk: >- <p>Clazy je plugin prekladaΔa Clang, ktorΓ½ generuje upozornenia sΓΊvisiace s najlepΕ‘Γmi praktikami Qt.</p> ca: >- <p>El Clazy Γ©s un connector del compilador Clang que emet avisos relacionats amb les millors prΓ ctiques de les Qt.</p> ko: >- <p>Clazyλ Qt κΆκ³ μ¬νκ³Ό κ΄λ ¨λ κ²½κ³ λ₯Ό μΆλ ₯νλ Clang μ»΄νμΌλ¬ νλ¬κ·ΈμΈμ λλ€.</p> it: >- <p>Clazy Γ¨ un'estensione per il compilatore clang che emette avvisi relativi alle migliori pratiche per Qt</p> es: >- <p>Clazy es un complemento del compilador clang que emite advertencias relacionadas con las prΓ‘cticas adecuadas de Qt.</p> ar: >- <p>ΩΩΨ§Ψ²Ω ΩΩ Ω ΩΩΩ Ψ₯ΨΆΨ§ΩΩ ΩΩ ΨͺΨ±Ψ¬Ω Clang ΩΨ΅Ψ―Ψ± ΨͺΨΨ°ΩΨ±Ψ§Ψͺ ΨͺΨͺΨΉΩΩ Ψ¨Ψ£ΩΨΆΩ Ψ§ΩΩ Ω Ψ§Ψ±Ψ³Ψ§Ψͺ ΩΩ ΩΩΩ ΨͺΩ.</p> hi: >- <p>ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ€ΰ€ͺΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€²ΰ€° ΰ€ͺΰ₯ΰ€²ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€¨ ΰ€Ήΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ₯ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€Έΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€΅ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€� ΰ€Έΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€΅ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€� ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€§ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€�ΰ₯ΰ€¬ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€§ ΰ€�ΰ₯ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€΅ΰ€¨ΰ₯ ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€Ά ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύ ΰ€Ήΰ₯.</p> sl: >- <p>Clazy je vtiΔnik prevajalnika clang, ki oddaja opozorila povezana z najboljΕ‘imi praksami Qt.</p> tr: >- <p>Clazy, Qt kabul gΓΆrmΓΌΕ davranΔ±ΕlarΔ± ΓΌzerine uyarΔ±lar veren bir Clang derleyici eklentisidir.</p> fi: >- <p>Clazy on on Clang-kÀÀntΓ€jΓ€liitΓ€nnΓ€inen, joka nΓ€yttÀÀ varoituksia hyvistΓ€ Qt-kΓ€ytΓ€nteistΓ€.</p> et: >- <p>Clazy on Clangi kompilaatori plugin, mis vΓ€ljastab Qt parima praktikaga seonduvaid hoiatusi.</p> pl: >- <p>Clazy jest wtyczkΔ do kompilatora Clang, ktΓ³ra wydaje ostrzeΕΌenia powiΔ zane z najlepszymi praktykami Qt.</p> en-GB: >- <p>Clazy is a clang compiler plugin which emits warnings related to Qt best practices.</p> ca-valencia: >- <p>Clazy Γ©s un connector del compilador Clang que emet avisos relacionats amb les millors prΓ ctiques de les Qt.</p> hu: >- <p>A Clazy egy bΕvΓtmΓ©ny a clang fordΓtΓ³programhoz, amely a Qt legjobb gyakorlataihoz kapcsolΓ³dΓ³ figyelmeztetΓ©seket ad.</p> eo: >- <p>Clazy estas clang-kompilila kromaΓ΄ kiu donas avertojn rilatajn al plej konsilindaj praktikoj de Qt.</p> nl: >- <p>Clazy is een clang-compilerplug-in die waarschuwingen uitstuurt gerelateerd aan de beste praktijken van Qt.</p> ProjectGroup: KDE Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.kde.org/ bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=clazy Icon: cached: - name: clazy_clazy.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: clazy_clazy.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: clazy_clazy.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/clazy/e55edc91835211e9cd673cb718fa238c/icons/128x128/clazy_clazy.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: clazy Provides: binaries: - clazy Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/clazy/e55edc91835211e9cd673cb718fa238c/screenshots/image-1_752x437@1.png width: 752 height: 437 - url: org/kde/clazy/e55edc91835211e9cd673cb718fa238c/screenshots/image-1_624x363@1.png width: 624 height: 363 - url: org/kde/clazy/e55edc91835211e9cd673cb718fa238c/screenshots/image-1_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/kde/clazy/e55edc91835211e9cd673cb718fa238c/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 857 height: 499 --- Type: desktop-application ID: net.minetest.minetest Package: luanti ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1+ AND CC-BY-SA-3.0 AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 Name: C: Luanti Summary: fr: Plate-forme de jeu multijoueurs Γ base de blocs C: Block-based multiplayer game platform de: Blockbasierte Mehrspieler-Spieleplattform Description: fr: >- <p> Luanti est une plateforme de jeu de type bac Γ sable Γ base de blocs. </p> <p> Les joueurs peuvent crΓ©er et dΓ©truire diffΓ©rents types de blocs dans un monde ouvert tridimensionnel. Cela permet de crΓ©er des structures de toutes les formes possibles, sur des serveurs multijoueurs ou en solo. </p> <p> Luanti est conΓ§u pour Γͺtre simple, stable et portable. Il est suffisamment lΓ©ger pour fonctionner sur du matΓ©riel relativement ancien. </p> <p> Luanti offre de nombreuses fonctionnalitΓ©s, notamment : </p> <ul> <li>La possibilitΓ© de se promener, de creuser et de construire dans un monde voxel quasi-infini </li> <li>Fabrication d'objets Γ partir de matiΓ¨res premiΓ¨res</li> <li>Une API de modding simple qui permet de nombreux ajouts et modifications au jeu</li> <li>Prise en charge du multijoueur via des serveurs hΓ©bergΓ©s par les utilisateurs</li> <li>GΓ©nΓ©rateur de cartes trΓ¨s rapide</li> </ul> C: >- <p> Luanti is a block-based sandbox game platform. </p> <p> Players can create and destroy various types of blocks in a three-dimensional open world. This allows forming structures in every possible creation, on multiplayer servers or in singleplayer. </p> <p> Luanti is designed to be simple, stable, and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware. </p> <p> Luanti has many features, including: </p> <ul> <li>Ability to walk around, dig, and build in a near-infinite voxel world</li> <li>Crafting of items from raw materials</li> <li>A simple modding API that supports many additions and modifications to the game</li> <li>Multiplayer support via servers hosted by users</li> <li>Beautiful lightning-fast map generator</li> </ul> de: >- <p> Luanti ist eine blockbasierte Sandbox-Spielplattform. </p> <p> Spieler kΓΆnnen in einer offenen 3D-Welt viele verschiedene Arten von BlΓΆcken platzieren und abbauen. Dies erlaubt das Bauen von vielfΓ€ltigen Strukturen im Einzelspieler oder auf Mehrspielerservern. </p> <p> Luanti wurde entworfen, um einfach, stabil und portabel zu sein. Es ist leichtgewichtig genug, um auf relativ alter Hardware zu laufen. </p> <p> Luanti besitzt viele Features, unter anderem: </p> <ul> <li>Die MΓΆglichkeit, in einer nahezu unendlichen Voxel-Welt herumzulaufen, zu graben und zu bauen </li> <li>Fertigen von Items aus Rohmaterialien</li> <li>Eine einfache Modding-API, die viele ErgΓ€nzungen und Γnderungen am Spiel unterstΓΌtzt</li> <li>Mehrspieler auf selber gehosteten Servern</li> <li>WunderschΓΆner, blitzschneller Kartengenerator</li> </ul> Developer: id: net.minetest name: C: Luanti Team Categories: - Game - Simulation Keywords: C: - sandbox - world - mining - crafting - blocks - nodes - multiplayer - roleplaying Url: translate: https://dev.minetest.net/Translation donation: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#donate help: https://wiki.minetest.net faq: https://wiki.minetest.net/FAQ contribute: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved homepage: https://www.minetest.net bugtracker: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#reporting-issues vcs-browser: https://github.com/minetest/minetest Icon: cached: - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/icons/128x128/luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: luanti Launchable: desktop-id: - net.minetest.minetest.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Supports: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch - internet: offline-only Provides: binaries: - luanti Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_1248x659@1.png width: 1248 height: 659 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_752x397@1.png width: 752 height: 397 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_624x329@1.png width: 624 height: 329 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_224x118@1.png width: 224 height: 118 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1015 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_1248x759@1.png width: 1248 height: 759 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_752x457@1.png width: 752 height: 457 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_624x379@1.png width: 624 height: 379 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_224x136@1.png width: 224 height: 136 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1367 height: 832 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_752x383@1.png width: 752 height: 383 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_624x318@1.png width: 624 height: 318 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_224x114@1.png width: 224 height: 114 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1280 height: 653 Languages: - locale: be percentage: 56 - locale: bg percentage: 37 - locale: cs percentage: 90 - locale: da percentage: 45 - locale: de percentage: 100 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 80 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: es_US percentage: 27 - locale: et percentage: 40 - locale: fil percentage: 36 - locale: fr percentage: 100 - locale: gl percentage: 100 - locale: hu percentage: 91 - locale: id percentage: 92 - locale: it percentage: 85 - locale: ja percentage: 100 - locale: ko percentage: 50 - locale: kv percentage: 28 - locale: ms percentage: 93 - locale: nb percentage: 51 - locale: nl percentage: 75 - locale: nn percentage: 36 - locale: pl percentage: 87 - locale: pt percentage: 84 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 82 - locale: ro percentage: 52 - locale: ru percentage: 100 - locale: sk percentage: 91 - locale: sl percentage: 30 - locale: sv percentage: 58 - locale: sw percentage: 29 - locale: tr percentage: 82 - locale: uk percentage: 94 - locale: vi percentage: 36 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 91 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 91 Releases: - version: 5.10.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1731196800 ContentRating: oars-1.0: violence-cartoon: mild violence-fantasy: mild social-chat: intense social-info: mild --- Type: desktop-application ID: geophar.desktop Package: geophar Name: C: Geophar Summary: fr: Couteau suisse pour les amateurs de mathΓ©matiques C: Swiss-army knife for math enthusiasts Description: en: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> fr: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> en_GB: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> de: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> it: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> en_CA: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> ru: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> da: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> C: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> en_AU: >- <p>this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.</p> Categories: - Science - Math - Education Icon: cached: - name: geophar_geophar.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: geophar Launchable: desktop-id: - geophar.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.gexperts.Tilix Package: tilix ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 Name: zh-Hant-TW: Tilix pt-PT: Tilix eu: Tilix he: Tilix nb-NO: Tilix ja: Tilix de: Tilix gl: Tilix ro: Tilix pt-BR: Tilix hr: Tilix ru: Tilix fr: Tilix uk: Tilix is: Tilix C: Tilix sv: Tilix ca: Tilix it: Tilix ko: Tilix es: Tilix ne: ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€²ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έ sr-Cyrl: Π’Π°ΡΠ»ΠΈΠΊΡ tr: Tilix zh-Hans-CN: Tilix id: Tilix fi: Tilix ar: ΨͺΩΩΩΩΨ³ pl: Tilix hu: Tilix en-GB: Tilix cs: Tilix eo: Tilix nl: Tilix bg: Tilix Summary: de: Ein Terminal fΓΌr GNOME mit Kacheldarstellung sv: En sida-vid-sida-terminal fΓΆr GNOME es: Una terminal divisible para GNOME zh-Hans-CN: GNOME ηεΉ³ιΊη»η«―樑ζε¨ sr-Cyrl: ΠΠ»ΠΎΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π» Π·Π° ΠΠ½ΠΎΠΌ it: Un terminale a riquadri per GNOME he: ΧΧ‘ΧΧ£ ΧΧ¨ΧΧ¦ΧΧ£ Χ’ΧΧΧ¨ GNOME tr: GNOME iΓ§in dΓΆΕeyen bir terminal pl: Emuluje dziaΕanie terminala w Εrodowisku GNOME wykorzystujΔ c interfejs kafli fr: Un terminal scindable pour GNOME ca: Un mosaic de Terminals per a Gnome pt-PT: Um terminal em mosaico para o GNOME fi: Laatoittava pÀÀte Gnomelle uk: ΠΠΎΠ·Π°ΡΡΠ½ΠΈΠΉ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π» Π΄Π»Ρ Gnome C: A tiling terminal for GNOME eo: Kaheliga terminalo por GNOME cs: DlaΕΎdicovΓ½ terminΓ‘l pro GNOME en-GB: A tiling terminal for GNOME pt-BR: Um terminal em mosaico para o GNOME ro: Un terminal fΔrΔ suprapunere pentru GNOME ko: κ·Έλμ μν νμΌλ§ ν°λ―Έλ hr: PloΔasti terminal za GNOME nl: Een terminal voor GNOME met tegelmogelijkheid ru: Π’Π°ΠΉΠ»ΠΈΠ½Π³ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π» Π΄Π»Ρ GNOME Description: ro: >- <p>Tilix este un emulator de terminal fΔrΔ suprapunere.</p> <p>ΓΘi permite:</p> <ul> <li>SΔ aΘezi terminalele Γ�n orice fel Γ�mpΔrΘindu-le orizontal Θi vertical</li> <li>Terminalele pot fi rearanjate trΔgΓ’ndu-le Γ�nΔuntrul ferestrelor sau Γ�ntre ferestre</li> <li>Terminalele pot fi detaΘate Γ�ntr-o nouΔ fereastrΔ prin tragere</li> <li>Textul introdus poate fi sincronizat Γ�ntre terminale astfel Γ�ncΓ’t comenzile introduse Γ�ntr-un terminal sΔ fie replicate Γ�n celelalte</li> <li>Gruparea terminalelor poate fi salvatΔ Θi Γ�ncΔrcatΔ din disc</li> <li>Terminalele suportΔ titluri personalizate</li> <li>Schemele de culori sunt stocate Γ�n fiΘiere Θi schemele de culori preferenΘiale pot fi create doar creΓ’nd un nou fiΘier</li> <li>Fundal transparent</li> <li>SuportΔ notificΔri cΓ’nd procesele sunt terminate Γ�n fundal</li> </ul> <p>AplicaΘia a fost scrisΔ folosind GTK 3 Θi a fost depus efort pentru conformarea la GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Γn consecinΘΔ, foloseΘte decoraΘii de la client, deΘi pot fi dezactivate dacΔ e necesar.</p> <p>Tilix a fost testat cu GNOME Θi cu Unity.</p> es: >- <p>Tilix es un emulador de terminal divisible.</p> <p>Le permite:</p> <ul> <li>Distribuir las terminales dividiΓ©ndolas horizontalmente o verticalmente</li> <li>Las terminales pueden ser reordenadas arrastrando y soltando entre ventanas</li> <li>Las terminales se pueden mover a una ventana nueva vΓa arrastrar y soltar</li> <li>La entrada puede ser sincronizada entre terminales haciendo que las Γ³rdenes introducidas en una se repliquen en las otras</li> <li>La agrupaciΓ³n de terminales se puede guardar y cargar desde el disco</li> <li>Las terminales admiten tΓtulos personalizados</li> <li>las combinaciones de colores se guardan en archivos y es posible crear combinaciones personalizadas tan solo con un archivo nuevo</li> <li>Fondo transparente</li> <li>Permite notificaciones cuando los procesos finalizan fuera de la vista</li> </ul> <p>La aplicaciΓ³n fue escrita usando GTK 3 realizando un esfuerzo en cumplir las Directrices de Interfaz Humana de GNOME (HIG). Como resultado, se utilizan decoraciones en el lado del cliente, aunque se pueden desactivar si fuera necesario.</p> <p>Tilix ha sido probado en GNOME y en Unity.</p> sv: >- <p>Tilix Γ€r en terminalemulator dΓ€r terminaler placeras sida vid sida.</p> <p>Den lΓ₯ter dig:</p> <ul> <li>Γndra layout fΓΆr terminaler pΓ₯ vilket sΓ€tt som helst genom att dela dem horisontellt eller vertikalt</li> <li>Terminaler kan omplaceras genom att dra och slΓ€ppa dem bΓ₯de inom och mellan fΓΆnster</li> <li>Terminaler kan kopplas loss till ett nytt fΓΆnster genom att dra och slΓ€ppa dem</li> <li>Inmatning kan synkroniseras mellan terminaler sΓ₯ att kommandon som skrivs in i en terminal upprepas till de andra</li> <li>Grupperingen av terminaler kan sparas och lΓ€sas in frΓ₯n disk</li> <li>Terminaler stΓΆder anpassade titlar</li> <li>FΓ€rgscheman lagras i filer och anpassade fΓ€rgscheman kan enkelt skapas genom att skapa en ny fil</li> <li>Transparent bakgrund</li> <li>StΓΆder aviseringar dΓ₯ processer utom synhΓ₯ll blir klara</li> </ul> <p>Programmet skrevs med GTK 3 och fΓΆrsΓΆker fΓΆlja GNOME:s riktlinjer fΓΆr mΓ€nskliga grΓ€nssnitt (HIG). Som ett resultat av detta anvΓ€nder det dekorationer frΓ₯n klientsidan, men det kan inaktiveras om nΓΆdvΓ€ndigt.</p> <p>Tilix har testats med GNOME och med Unity.</p> ru: >- <p>Tilix ΡΠ²Π»ΡΠ΅ΡΡΡ ΡΠ°ΠΉΠ»ΠΈΠ½Π³ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΌ ΡΠΌΡΠ»ΡΡΠΎΡΠΎΠΌ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π°.</p> <p>ΠΡΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΠ·Π²ΠΎΠ»ΡΠ΅Ρ:</p> <ul> <li>ΠΠΎΠΌΠΏΠΎΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½ΠΎ Π»ΡΠ±ΡΠΌ ΡΠΏΠΎΡΠΎΠ±ΠΎΠΌ, ΠΏΡΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΡΠ°Π·Π΄Π΅Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΡ ΠΈΡ ΠΏΠΎ Π³ΠΎΡΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ½ΡΠ°Π»ΠΈ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΏΠΎ Π²Π΅ΡΡΠΈΠΊΠ°Π»ΠΈ</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡ Π±ΡΡΡ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΡΡΡΠΎΠ΅Π½Ρ Ρ ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡΡΡ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΡΠ°ΡΠΊΠΈΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ ΠΊΠ°ΠΊ Π²Π½ΡΡΡΠΈ, ΡΠ°ΠΊ ΠΈ ΠΌΠ΅ΠΆΠ΄Ρ ΠΎΠΊΠ½Π°ΠΌΠΈ</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡ Π±ΡΡΡ ΠΎΡΠ΄Π΅Π»Π΅Π½Ρ Π² Π½ΠΎΠ²ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΎΠΊΠ½ΠΎ Ρ ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡΡΡ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΡΠ°ΡΠΊΠΈΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ</li> <li>ΠΠ²ΠΎΠ΄ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅Ρ Π±ΡΡΡ ΡΠΈΠ½Ρ ΡΠΎΠ½ΠΈΠ·ΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ ΠΌΠ΅ΠΆΠ΄Ρ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π°ΠΌΠΈ, Π° ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄Ρ, Π½Π°Π±ΡΠ°Π½Π½ΡΠ΅ Π² ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎΠΌ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π΅, Π±ΡΠ΄ΡΡ ΠΏΠΎΡΠ»Π°Π½Ρ ΠΈ Π½Π° Π΄ΡΡΠ³ΠΈΠ΅</li> <li>ΠΡΡΠΏΠΏΠΈΡΠΎΠ²ΠΊΠ° ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»ΠΎΠ² ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅Ρ Π±ΡΡΡ ΡΠΎΡ ΡΠ°Π½Π΅Π½Π° ΠΈ Π·Π°Π³ΡΡΠΆΠ΅Π½Π° Ρ Π΄ΠΈΡΠΊΠ°</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Ρ ΠΏΠΎΠ΄Π΄Π΅ΡΠΆΠΈΠ²Π°ΡΡ ΠΏΠΎΠ»ΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΠ΅Π»ΡΡΠΊΠΈΠ΅ Π½Π°Π·Π²Π°Π½ΠΈΡ</li> <li>Π¦Π²Π΅ΡΠΎΠ²ΡΠ΅ ΡΡ Π΅ΠΌΡ ΡΠΎΡ ΡΠ°Π½ΡΡΡΡΡ Π² ΠΎΡΠ΄Π΅Π»ΡΠ½ΡΡ ΡΠ°ΠΉΠ»Π°Ρ , Π° ΡΠΎΠ·Π΄Π°ΡΡ ΡΠ²ΠΎΡ ΡΡ Π΅ΠΌΡ Π½Π΅ ΡΠ»ΠΎΠΆΠ½Π΅Π΅, ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΡΠΎΠ·Π΄Π°ΡΡ Π½ΠΎΠ²ΡΠΉ ΡΠ°ΠΉΠ»</li> <li>ΠΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠ°ΡΠ½ΡΠΉ ΡΠΎΠ½</li> <li>ΠΠΎΠ΄Π΄Π΅ΡΠΆΠΊΠ° ΡΠ²Π΅Π΄ΠΎΠΌΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΈΠΉ, ΠΊΠΎΠ³Π΄Π° ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠ΅ΡΡΡ Π·Π°Π²Π΅ΡΡΠ°ΡΡΡΡ Π²Π½Π΅ ΠΏΠΎΠ»Ρ Π·ΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ</li> </ul> <p>ΠΡΠΈΠ»ΠΎΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ Π±ΡΠ»ΠΎ Π½Π°ΠΏΠΈΡΠ°Π½ΠΎ Ρ ΠΈΡΠΏΠΎΠ»ΡΠ·ΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ GTK 3 ΠΈ ΡΠ²Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΊ GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). ΠΠ½ΠΎ ΠΈΡΠΏΠΎΠ»ΡΠ·ΡΠ΅Ρ Π΄Π΅ΠΊΠΎΡΠ°ΡΠΈΠΈ ΠΎΠΊΠ½Π° Π½Π° ΡΡΠΎΡΠΎΠ½Π΅ ΠΊΠ»ΠΈΠ΅Π½ΡΠ°, Π½ΠΎ ΠΏΡΠΈ Π½Π΅ΠΎΠ±Ρ ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΠΌΠΎΡΡΠΈ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅Ρ ΡΡΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ²ΠΎΠ²Π°ΡΡ ΠΈ Π±Π΅Π· Π½ΠΈΡ .</p> <p>Tilix Π±ΡΠ» ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠ΅ΡΡΠΈΡΠΎΠ²Π°Π½ Ρ GNOME ΠΈ Unity.</p> he: >- <p>Tilix ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ‘ΧΧ£ Χ’Χ Χ¨ΧΧ¦ΧΧ£.</p> <p>ΧΧΧΧΧΧͺΧ:</p> <ul> <li>Χ€Χ¨ΧΧ‘Χͺ ΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ ΧΧΧ ΧΧ¨Χ ΧΧΧΧ¦Χ’ΧΧͺ Χ€ΧΧ¦ΧΧΧ, ΧΧΧ€Χ§ΧΧͺ ΧΧ ΧΧ ΧΧΧͺ</li> <li>ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ© Χ©Χ ΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ¦Χ’ΧΧͺ ΧΧ¨ΧΧ¨Χ ΧΧ©ΧΧ¨ΧΧ¨ ΧΧΧΧ₯ ΧΧΧΧΧ ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧͺΧΧΧ</li> <li>Χ ΧΧͺΧΧ§ ΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ ΧΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧ© ΧΧΧΧ¦Χ’ΧΧͺ ΧΧ¨ΧΧ¨Χ ΧΧ©ΧΧ¨ΧΧ¨</li> <li>Χ‘Χ ΧΧ¨ΧΧ Χ§ΧΧ ΧΧΧ ΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ ΧΧ Χ©Χ€Χ§ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧΧ Χͺ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧ’ΧͺΧ§Χͺ ΧΧΧΧ¨ΧΧ</li> <li>Χ©ΧΧΧ¨Χ ΧΧΧ’ΧΧ Χ Χ©Χ Χ§ΧΧΧΧ₯ ΧΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ</li> <li>ΧͺΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧͺΧΧΧ ΧΧΧ©ΧΧͺ Χ©Χ ΧΧΧͺΧ¨ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧ‘ΧΧ€ΧΧ</li> <li>ΧΧΧ‘ΧΧ ΧͺΧΧ ΧΧΧͺ Χ¦ΧΧ’ΧΧ ΧΧ§ΧΧ¦ΧΧ ΧΧΧ¦ΧΧ¨Χͺ ΧͺΧΧ ΧΧΧͺ Χ¦ΧΧ’ΧΧ ΧΧΧ©ΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧ¦Χ’ΧΧͺ ΧΧ¦ΧΧ¨Χͺ Χ§ΧΧΧ₯ ΧΧΧ©</li> <li>Χ¨Χ§Χ’ Χ©Χ§ΧΧ£</li> <li>ΧͺΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧͺΧ¨ΧΧΧͺ ΧΧ‘ΧΧΧ ΧͺΧΧΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ₯ ΧΧͺΧ¦ΧΧΧ</li> </ul> <p>ΧΧΧΧ©ΧΧ Χ ΧΧͺΧ ΧΧΧΧ¦Χ’ΧΧͺ GTK 3 ΧΧ Χ’Χ©Χ ΧΧΧΧ₯ ΧΧΧͺΧΧΧΧ ΧΧΧ ΧΧΧΧͺ ΧΧΧΧ©Χ§ ΧΧ ΧΧ© (HIG) Χ©Χ GNOME. ΧΧͺΧΧ¦ΧΧ ΧΧΧ, Χ Χ’Χ©Χ Χ©ΧΧΧΧ© ΧΧ§ΧΧ©ΧΧΧ Χ¦ΧΦΎΧΧ§ΧΧ, ΧΧ ΧΧ Χ ΧΧͺΧ ΧΧΧ©ΧΧΧͺΧ ΧΧ’Χͺ ΧΧ¦ΧΧ¨Χ.</p> <p>Tilix Χ ΧΧΧ§ Χ’Χ GNOME ΧΧ’Χ Unity.</p> sr-Cyrl: >- <p>Π’Π°ΡΠ»ΠΈΠΊΡ ΡΠ΅ ΠΏΠ»ΠΎΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈ ΠΎΠΏΠΎΠ½Π°ΡΠ°Π²Π°Ρ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π°.</p> <p>ΠΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡΠ°Π²Π° Π²Π°ΠΌ Π΄Π°:</p> <ul> <li>Π Π°ΡΠΏΠΎΡΠ΅Π΄ΠΈΡΠ΅ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π΅ ΠΊΠ°ΠΊΠΎ Π³ΠΎΠ΄ ΠΏΠΎΠΆΠ΅Π»ΠΈΡΠ΅ ΡΠ°ΠΊΠΎ ΡΡΠΎ ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅ ΠΈΡ ΡΠ°Π·Π΄Π²ΠΎΡΠΈΡΠΈ Π²ΠΎΠ΄ΠΎΡΠ°Π²Π½ΠΎ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΡΡΠΏΡΠ°Π²Π½ΠΎ</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠ³Ρ ΠΏΡΠ΅ΡΠ°ΡΠΏΠΎΠ΄Π΅Π»ΠΈΡΠΈ ΠΏΠΎΠ²Π»Π°ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΈ ΠΏΡΡΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΡΠ½ΡΡΠ°Ρ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΈΠ·ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΡΠ°</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠ³Ρ ΠΎΡΠΊΠ°ΡΠΈΡΠΈ Ρ Π½ΠΎΠ²Π΅ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΡΠ΅ ΠΏΠΎΠ²Π»Π°ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΈ ΠΏΡΡΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ</li> <li>Π£Π»Π°Π· ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅ ΡΡΠΊΠ»Π°Π΄ΠΈΡΠΈ ΠΈΠ·ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π° ΡΠ°ΠΊΠΎ Π΄Π° ΡΠ΅ Π½Π°ΡΠ΅Π΄Π΅ ΡΠ½Π΅ΡΠ΅ Ρ ΡΠ΅Π΄Π½ΠΎΠΌ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Ρ ΠΎΠ΄ΡΠ°Π·Π΅ Π½Π° Π΄ΡΡΠ³Π΅</li> <li>ΠΠ°ΡΠΈΠ½ ΡΠ°ΡΠΏΠΎΡΠ΅ΡΠΈΠ²Π°ΡΠ° ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»Π° ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ ΠΈ ΡΡΠΈΡΠ°ΡΠΈ ΡΠ° Π΄ΠΈΡΠΊΠ°</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΠΏΠΎΠ΄ΡΠΆΠ°Π²Π°ΡΡ ΠΏΡΠΈΠ»Π°Π³ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½Π΅ Π½Π°ΡΠ»ΠΎΠ²Π΅</li> <li>Π¨Π΅ΠΌΠ΅ Π±ΠΎΡΠ΅ ΡΠ΅ ΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΡ Ρ Π΄Π°ΡΠΎΡΠ΅ΠΊΠ°ΠΌΠ° ΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΈΠ»Π°Π³ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½Π΅ ΡΠ΅ΠΌΠ΅ Π±ΠΎΡΠ΅ ΡΠ΅ ΠΌΠΎΠ³Ρ ΡΠ΅Π΄Π½ΠΎΡΡΠ°Π²Π½ΠΎ Π½Π°ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΡΠΈ ΡΠ° Π½ΠΎΠ²ΠΎΠΌ Π΄Π°ΡΠΎΡΠ΅ΠΊΠΎΠΌ</li> <li>ΠΡΠΎΠ²ΠΈΠ΄Π½Π° ΠΏΠΎΠ·Π°Π΄ΠΈΠ½Π°</li> <li>ΠΠΎΠ΄ΡΠΆΠ°Π²Π° ΠΎΠ±Π°Π²Π΅ΡΡΠ΅ΡΠ° ΠΊΠ°Π΄Π° ΡΠ΅ Π½Π΅Π½Π°Π΄Π³Π»Π΅Π΄Π°Π½ΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠ΅ΡΠΈ Π·Π°Π²ΡΡΠ΅</li> </ul> <p>ΠΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌ ΡΠ΅ Π½Π°ΠΏΠΈΡΠ°Π½ ΡΠ· ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡ ΠΠ’Π 3 ΡΠ΅Ρ Π½ΠΎΠ»ΠΎΠ³ΠΈΡΠ΅ ΠΈ Π½Π°ΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΡΠ΅ Π½Π°ΠΏΠΎΡ Π΄Π° Π±ΡΠ΄Π΅ Ρ ΡΠΊΠ»Π°Π΄Ρ ΡΠ° ΠΠ½ΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ²ΠΈΠΌ ΡΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ½ΠΈΡΠ°ΠΌΠ° Π·Π° ΡΠ°Π·Π²ΠΎΡ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ° (HIG). ΠΠ±ΠΎΠ³ ΡΠΎΠ³Π° ΡΠ΅ ΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠ΅ Π΄Π΅ΠΊΠΎΡΠ°ΡΠΈΡΠ΅ Π½Π° ΠΊΠ»ΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΡΡΠΊΠΎΡ ΡΡΡΠ°Π½ΠΈ Π°Π»ΠΈ ΡΠ΅ ΠΎΠ½ Π΅ΠΌΠΎΠ³Ρ ΠΎΠ½Π΅ΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡΠΈΡΠΈ Π°ΠΊΠΎ ΡΠ΅ ΡΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΡΡΠ΅Π±Π½ΠΎ.</p> <p>Π’Π°ΡΠ»ΠΈΠΊΡ ΡΠ΅ ΠΈΡΠΏΡΠΎΠ±Π°Π½ Π½Π° ΠΠ½ΠΎΠΌΡ ΠΈ ΠΡΠ½ΠΈΡΠΈΡΡ.</p> it: >- <p>Tilix Γ¨ un emulatore di terminale a riquadri.</p> <p>Ti consente di:</p> <ul> <li>disporre di piΓΉ terminali multipli su un'unica finestra dividendola orizzontalmente o verticalmente</li> <li>riordinare i terminali mediante trascinamento</li> <li>spostare i terminali da una finestra all'altra mediante trascinamento</li> <li>sincronizzare l'input tra piΓΉ terminali, cosΓ¬ che i comandi digitati in un terminale sono replicati negli altri</li> <li>salvare e caricare successivamente da disco il raggruppamento dei terminali</li> <li>personalizzare i titoli dei terminali</li> <li>memorizzare gli schemi dei colori su file e crearne nuovi personalizzati semplicemente creando nuovi file</li> <li>Sfondo trasparente</li> <li>Notifica il completamento dei processi quando il terminale non Γ¨ visibile</li> </ul> <p>L'applicazione Γ¨ scritta in GTK 3 e si conforma alle GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Di conseguenza fa uso di client-side-decorations, anche se possono essere disattivate, se necessario.</p> <p>Tilix Γ¨ stato testato su GNOME e Unity.</p> zh-Hant-TW: >- <p>δ»ε―δ»₯θ�δ½ οΌ</p> <ul> <li>ιζθζ―</li> <li>η¨εΊε�ζζε³ιζ‘ι’ιη₯</li> </ul> <p>Tilix ε·²ε¨GNOMEδ»₯εUnityη°ε’δΈζΈ¬θ©¦ιγ</p> tr: >- <p>Tilix dΓΆΕeyen bir terminal emΓΌlatΓΆrΓΌdΓΌr.</p> <p>SaΔlar:</p> <ul> <li>Terminalleri, onlarΔ± dΓΌΕey veya dikey ayΔ±racak Εekilde dΓΌzenle</li> <li>Terminaller sΓΌrΓΌkle ve bΔ±rak kullanarak pencereler iΓ§inde ve arasΔ±nda yeniden dΓΌzenlenebilir</li> <li>Terminaller sΓΌrΓΌkle ve bΔ±rak ile yeni bir pencereye ayrΔ±labilir</li> <li>GiriΕ terminaller arasΔ±nda eΕitlenebilir bΓΆylece bir terminalde yazΔ±lan komutlarΔ± diΔerlerine kopyalanΔ±r</li> <li>Terminallerin gruplamasΔ± kaydedilebilir ve diskten yΓΌklenebilir</li> <li>Terminaller ΓΆzel baΕlΔ±klarΔ± destekler</li> <li>Renk dΓΌzenleri dosyalarda depolanΔ±r ve ΓΆzel renk dΓΌzenleri sadece yeni bir dosya oluΕturarak yaratΔ±labilir</li> <li>Εeffaf arka plan</li> <li>Δ°Εlemler gΓΆrΓΌnΓΌm dΔ±ΕΔ±nda tamamlandΔ±ΔΔ±nda bildirimleri destekler</li> </ul> <p>Uygulama GTK 3 kullanarak yazΔ±lmΔ±ΕtΔ±r ve GNOME Δ°nsan Arabirim YΓΆnergelerine (HIG) uymasΔ± iΓ§in Γ§aba harcanmΔ±ΕtΔ±r. SonuΓ§ olarak, istemci tarafΔ± sΓΌslemeleri kullanΔ±r, yine de gerekirse bunlar devre dΔ±ΕΔ± bΔ±rakΔ±labilir.</p> <p>Tilix, GNOME'la ve Unity ile test edilmiΕtir.</p> de: >- <p>Tilix ist ein Terminal-Emulator mit Kacheldarstellung.</p> <p>Damit kΓΆnnen Sie:</p> <ul> <li>Terminals durch horizontales oder vertikales Teilen beliebig anordnen</li> <li>Terminals durch ziehen und ablegen sowohl innerhalb eines Fensters als auch zwischen Fenstern neu anordnen</li> <li>Terminals per ziehen und ablegen als neues Fenster loslΓΆsen</li> <li>Die Eingabe zwischen Terminals synchronisieren, um Befehle in einem Terminal auf ein anderes zu replizieren</li> <li>Die Gruppierung der Terminals speichern und vom DatentrΓ€ger laden</li> <li>Terminals unterstΓΌtzen benutzerdefinierte Titel</li> <li>Farbschemata werden in Dateien gespeichert und benutzerdefinierte Farbschemata kΓΆnnen durch Anlegen einer Datei erstellt werden</li> <li>Transparenter Hintergrund</li> <li>UnterstΓΌtzt Benachrichtigungen, wenn nicht sichtbare Prozesse beendet werden</li> </ul> <p>Die Anwendung wurde mit GTK 3 geschrieben und es wurde Wert darauf gelegt, den GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) zu entsprechen. Infolgedessen werden Client Side Decorations verwendet, die aber bei Bedarf deaktiviert werden kΓΆnnen.</p> <p>Tilix wurde mit GNOME und Unity getestet.</p> fr: >- <p>Tilix est un Γ©mulateur de terminal scindable.</p> <p>Il vous permet :</p> <ul> <li>D'organiser les terminaux de toutes les faΓ§ons en les divisant horizontalement et verticalement</li> <li>Les terminaux peuvent Γͺtre rΓ©organisΓ©s en utilisant le glisser-dΓ©poser dans une mΓͺme fenΓͺtre ou entre les fenΓͺtres</li> <li>Les terminaux peuvent Γͺtre dΓ©tachΓ©s en une nouvelle fenΓͺtre via un glisser-dΓ©poser</li> <li>L'entrΓ©e peut Γͺtre synchronisΓ©e entre les terminaux de faΓ§on Γ ce que les commandes saisies dans un terminal soient rΓ©pliquΓ©es vers les autres</li> <li>Les groupes de terminaux peuvent Γͺtre enregistrΓ©s et chargΓ©s depuis le disque</li> <li>Les terminaux acceptent les titres personnalisΓ©s</li> <li>Les palettes de couleurs sont enregistrΓ©es dans des fichiers et des palettes de couleurs personnalisΓ©es peuvent Γͺtre créées simplement en crΓ©ant un nouveau fichier</li> <li>ArriΓ¨re-plan transparent</li> <li>Prend en charge les notifications de bureau quand les processus s'achΓ¨vent en arriΓ¨re-plan</li> </ul> <p>L'application a Γ©tΓ© Γ©crite en utilisant GTK 3 et un effort a Γ©tΓ© fait pour se conformer aux GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). En consΓ©quence, elle utilise des dΓ©corations cΓ΄tΓ© client, bien qu'elles puissent Γͺtre dΓ©sactivΓ©es si nΓ©cessaire.</p> <p>Tilix a Γ©tΓ© testΓ© sous GNOME et sous Unity.</p> ca: >- <p>El Tilix Γ©s un emulador de terminals en mosaic.</p> <p>Us permet:</p> <ul> <li>Disposar les terminals de qualsevol manera dividint-les horitzontalment o verticalment</li> <li>Els terminals es poden tornar a organitzar arrossegant-les i soltant-les dins i entre les finestres</li> <li>Els terminals es poden desconnectar en una finestra nova mitjanΓ§ant arrossegar i soltar</li> <li>Lβentrada es pot sincronitzar entre els terminals de manera que les ordres escrites en un terminal es repliquen als altres</li> <li>LβagrupaciΓ³ de terminals es pot desar i carregar des del disc</li> <li>Els terminals poden tenir tΓtols personalitzats</li> <li>Els esquemes de color s'emmagatzemen en fitxers i se'n poden crear de personalitzats simplement creant un fitxer nou</li> <li>Fons transparent</li> <li>Compatible amb les notificacions quan els processos es completen fora de vista</li> </ul> <p>L'aplicaciΓ³ s'ha escrit usant GTK 3 i es va fer un esforΓ§ per complir les directrius de la interfΓcie humana de GNOME (HIG). Com a resultat, utilitza decoracions laterals del client, tot i que es pot desactivar si voleu.</p> <p>El Tilix s'ha provat amb el GNOME i amb el Unity.</p> pt-PT: >- <p>Tilix Γ© um emulador de terminal em mosaico.</p> <p>Ele permite:</p> <ul> <li>Dispor terminais de diferentes maneiras, dividindo-os horizontalmente ou verticalmente</li> <li>Reorganizar terminais arrastando e soltando numa mesma janela, ou entre janelas diferentes</li> <li>Separar terminais em novas janelas arrastando e soltando</li> <li>Sincronizar a entrada entre diferentes terminais, replicando comandos digitados num terminal para outros</li> <li>Carregar e gravar grupos de terminais de/para o disco</li> <li>Atribuir tΓtulos personalizados aos terminais</li> <li>Criar e armazenar novos esquemas de cores personalizados apenas manipulando ficheiros</li> <li>Utilizar plano de fundo transparente</li> <li>Receber notificaçáes quando processos terminarem em segundo plano</li> </ul> <p>A aplicação utiliza o GTK 3, observando as Diretrizes de Interface Humana(HIG) do GNOME. Portanto, decoraçáes de janela internas sΓ£o utilizadas, mas podem ser desativadas se necessΓ‘rio.</p> <p>O Tilix foi testado nos ambientes GNOME e Unity.</p> zh-Hans-CN: >- <p>Tilix ζ―δΈδΈͺεΉ³ιΊη»η«―樑ζε¨γ</p> <p>ε�ε―θ�©δ½ οΌ</p> <ul> <li>ιθΏεη΄εζ°΄εΉ³εε²ιεΏζ欲ε°ζεΈη»η«―</li> <li>ε―ιθΏε¨ηͺε£ε ε€ζζΎιζ°ε�ζη»η«―</li> <li>ε―ιθΏζζΎε°η»η«―θ±η¦»δΈΊζ°ηηͺε£</li> <li>ε―ε¨η»η«―δΉι΄εζ₯θΎε ₯οΌε―ε°δΈδΈͺη»η«―ηθΎε ₯ε€εΆε°ε¦δΈδΈͺη»η«―ι</li> <li>ε―δ»η£ηδΏεεθ½½ε ₯η»η«―εη»</li> <li>η»η«―ζ―ζθͺε�δΉζ ι’</li> <li>ι θ²ζΉζ‘εε¨ε¨ζδ»ΆδΈοΌε―ιθΏεε»Ίζδ»Άζ₯εε»Ίζ°ηι θ²ζΉζ‘</li> <li>ιζθζ―</li> <li>ζ―ζθΏη¨ε¨θ§εΎε€ε�ζζΆειζ‘ι’ιη₯</li> </ul> <p>θ―₯εΊη¨η¨εΊδ½Ώη¨ GTK 3 ηΌεεΉΆε°θ―ε Όε�Ή GNOME δΊΊζΊδΊ€δΊζεοΌHIGοΌγε ζ€οΌTerminix δ½Ώη¨δΊε�’ζ·η«―ηͺε£θ£ ι₯°οΌCSDοΌοΌδ½ζ€εθ½ε―ιζΆε ³ιγ</p> <p>Tilix ε·²ε¨ GNOME ε Unity δΈζ΅θ―γ</p> uk: >- <p>Tilix - ΠΌΠΎΠ·Π°ΡΡΠ½ΠΈΠΉ Π΅ΠΌΡΠ»ΡΡΠΎΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»Π°.</p> <p>ΠΡΠ½ Π΄ΠΎΠ·Π²ΠΎΠ»ΡΡ:</p> <ul> <li>ΠΠΎΠΌΠΏΠΎΠ½ΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ Π² Π±ΡΠ΄Ρ-ΡΠΊΠΎΠΌΡ Π²ΠΈΠ³Π»ΡΠ΄Ρ, ΡΠΎΠ·Π΄ΡΠ»ΠΈΠ²ΡΠΈ ΡΡ Π³ΠΎΡΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ½ΡΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎ ΡΠ° Π²Π΅ΡΡΠΈΠΊΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎ</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Π° Π²ΠΏΠΎΡΡΠ΄ΠΊΠΎΠ²ΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ³ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½ΡΠΌ Ρ Π²ΡΠΊΠ½Π°Ρ Ρ ΠΌΡΠΆ Π½ΠΈΠΌΠΈ</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Π° Π²ΡΠ΄'ΡΠ΄Π½Π°ΡΠΈ Π² Π½ΠΎΠ²Π΅ Π²ΡΠΊΠ½ΠΎ ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π· ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ³ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ</li> <li>ΠΠ²Π΅Π΄Π΅Π½Π½Ρ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Π° ΡΠΈΠ½Ρ ΡΠΎΠ½ΡΠ·ΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈ ΠΌΡΠΆ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»Π°ΠΌΠΈ, ΡΠΎΠΆ ΠΊΠΎΠΌΠ°Π½Π΄ΠΈ, ΡΠΊΡ Π±ΡΠ΄ΡΡΡ Π²Π²ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΡΠΈΡΡ, Π±ΡΠ΄ΡΡΡ ΠΏΠΎΠ²ΡΠΎΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΠΈΡΡ Π½Π° ΡΠ½ΡΠΈΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»Π°Ρ </li> <li>ΠΡΡΠΏΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»ΡΠ² ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Π° Π·Π±Π΅ΡΠ΅Π³ΡΠΈ Ρ Π·Π°Π²Π°Π½ΡΠ°ΠΆΠΈΡΠΈ Π· Π΄ΠΈΡΠΊΠ°</li> <li>Π’Π΅ΡΠΌΡΠ½Π°Π»ΠΈ ΠΏΡΠ΄ΡΡΠΈΠΌΡΡΡΡ Π²Π»Π°ΡΠ½Ρ Π·Π°Π³ΠΎΠ»ΠΎΠ²ΠΊΠΈ</li> <li>Π‘Ρ Π΅ΠΌΠΈ ΠΊΠΎΠ»ΡΠΎΡΡΠ² Π·Π±Π΅ΡΠ΅ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΎ Ρ ΡΠ°ΠΉΠ»Π°Ρ Ρ Π²Π»Π°ΡΠ½Ρ ΡΡ Π΅ΠΌΠΈ ΠΊΠΎΠ»ΡΠΎΡΡΠ² Π΄ΠΎΠ΄Π°ΡΡΡΡΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π· Π·Π²ΠΈΡΠ°ΠΉΠ½Π΅ ΡΡΠ²ΠΎΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ Π½ΠΎΠ²ΠΈΡ ΡΠ°ΠΉΠ»ΡΠ²</li> <li>ΠΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΡΠ΅ ΡΠ»ΠΎ</li> <li>ΠΡΠ΄ΡΡΠΈΠΌΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠΏΠΎΠ²ΡΡΠ΅Π½Ρ, ΠΊΠΎΠ»ΠΈ Π΄ΡΡ Π·Π°Π²Π΅ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ΠΏΠΎΠ·Π°ΠΎΡΠ½ΠΎ</li> </ul> <p>ΠΡΠΎΠ³ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ° Π½Π°ΠΏΠΈΡΠ°Π½Π° Π·Π° Π΄ΠΎΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ³ΠΎΡ GTK 3 Π· Π΄ΠΎΡΡΠΈΠΌΠ°Π½Π½ΡΠΌ ΠΏΡΠ°Π²ΠΈΠ» ΠΏΠΎΠ±ΡΠ΄ΠΎΠ²ΠΈ ΡΠ½ΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ΅ΠΉΡΡ (GNOME HIG). Π£ ΡΠ΅Π·ΡΠ»ΡΡΠ°ΡΡ, Π²ΠΈΠΊΠΎΡΠΈΡΡΠΎΠ²ΡΡΡΡΡΡ ΠΎΠ·Π΄ΠΎΠ±Π»Π΅Π½Π½Ρ Π½Π° Π±ΠΎΡΡ ΠΊΠ»ΡΡΠ½ΡΠ°, Π°Π»Π΅ ΠΉΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Π° Π²ΠΈΠΌΠΊΠ½ΡΡΠΈ Π·Π° ΠΏΠΎΡΡΠ΅Π±ΠΈ.</p> <p>Tilix Π²ΠΈΠΏΡΠΎΠ±ΡΠ²Π°Π½ΠΎ Π· GNOME Ρ Unity.</p> C: >- <p> Tilix is a tiling terminal emulator. </p> <p>It lets you:</p> <ul> <li>Layout terminals in any fashion by splitting them horizontally or vertically</li> <li>Terminals can be re-arranged using drag and drop both within and between windows</li> <li>Terminals can be detached into a new window via drag and drop</li> <li>Input can be synchronized between terminals so commands typed in one terminal are replicated to the others</li> <li>The grouping of terminals can be saved and loaded from disk</li> <li>Terminals support custom titles</li> <li>Color schemes are stored in files and custom color schemes can be created by simply creating a new file</li> <li>Transparent background</li> <li>Supports notifications when processes are completed out of view</li> </ul> <p> The application was written using GTK 3 and an effort was made to conform to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). As a result, it does use client-side-decorations, though it can be disabled if necessary. </p> <p>Tilix has been tested with GNOME and with Unity.</p> eo: >- <p>Tilix estas kaheliga terminalimitilo.</p> <p>Jen Δiaj funkcioj:</p> <ul> <li>AranΔu terminalojn iel ajn, dividante ilin horizontale aΕ vertikale</li> <li>Terminaloj estas rearanΔeblaj per Εovo-demeto kaj en fenestroj kaj inter fenestroj</li> <li>Terminaloj estas disigeblaj en novan fenestron per Εovo-demeto</li> <li>Enigo povas esti sinkronigita inter terminaloj, tiel ke komandoj tajpitaj en unu terminalo estas ripetitaj en la aliaj</li> <li>La grupo de terminaloj estas konservebla al kaj Εargebla de disko</li> <li>Terminaloj subtenas agordeblajn titolojn</li> <li>Koloraroj estas konservitaj en dosieroj, kaj novaj koloraroj estas simple kreeblaj per kreado de nova dosiero</li> <li>Travidebla fono</li> <li>Subtenas sciigojn kiam procezoj kompletiΔas</li> </ul> <p>La programo uzas version 3 de GTK kaj klopodas konformi al la Gvidnormoj pri Fasadoj de GNOME (HIG). Tial, Δi uzas klientflankajn ornamaΔ΅ojn, kvankam ili estas malΕalteblaj.</p> <p>Tilix estas elprovita kun GNOME kaj kun Unity.</p> cs: >- <p>Tilix je dlaΕΎdicovΓ½ emulΓ‘tor terminΓ‘lu.</p> <p>Je v nΔm moΕΎnΓ©:</p> <ul> <li>RozmΓstit terminΓ‘ly libovolnΓ½m rozdΔlenΓm vodorovnΔ Δi svisle</li> <li>PΕesouvat terminΓ‘ly pΕetaΕΎenΓm uvnitΕ oken i mezi okny</li> <li>PΕetaΕΎenΓm odpojit terminΓ‘ly do novΓ©ho okna</li> <li>Synchronizovat vstup mezi terminΓ‘ly, aby se pΕΓkazy zadΓ‘vanΓ© v jednom replikovaly v dalΕ‘Γch</li> <li>UklΓ‘dat seskupenΓ terminΓ‘lΕ― a pak je pozdΔji opΔt naΔΓtat z ΓΊloΕΎiΕ‘tΔ</li> <li>Nastavit terminΓ‘lΕ―m vlastnΓ titulky</li> <li>BarevnΓ‘ schΓ©mata jsou uloΕΎena v souborech a vlastnΓ mΕ―ΕΎete vytvoΕit prostΓ½m vytvoΕenΓm novΓ©ho souboru</li> <li>PrΕ―hlednΓ© pozadΓ</li> <li>Podporuje oznamovΓ‘nΓ o skonΔenΓ procesΕ― v nezamΔΕenΓ©m oknΔ</li> </ul> <p>Tato aplikace je napsΓ‘na pomocΓ GTK 3 a snahou bylo zΕ―stat v souladu se ZΓ‘sadami lidskΓ©ho rozhranΓ (HIG) GNOME. Ve vΓ½sledku tedy Tilix vyuΕΎΓvΓ‘ dekorace na stranΔ klienta, umΓ je vΕ‘ak v pΕΓpadΔ nutnosti i vypnout.</p> <p>Tilix je testovΓ‘n v GNOME a Unity.</p> pl: >- <p>Tilix jest emulatorem terminala obsΕugujΔ cym kafle.</p> <p>Pozwala uΕΌytkownikowi na:</p> <ul> <li>rozmieszczanie terminali w dowolny sposΓ³b, dzielΔ c je pionowo lub poziomo,</li> <li>przenoszenie terminali pomiΔdzy oknami przeciΔ gajΔ c je,</li> <li>odΕΔ czanie terminali do nowych okien przeciΔ gajΔ c je,</li> <li>synchronizowanie wejΕcia pomiΔdzy terminalami, co umoΕΌliwia powielanie poleceΕ wprowadzonych w jednym terminalu,</li> <li>grupowanie terminali, zapisywanie grup na dysku i wczytywanie ich,</li> <li>nadawanie wΕasnych tytuΕΓ³w terminali,</li> <li>przechowywanie zestawΓ³w kolorΓ³w w plikach i tworzenie wΕasnych zestawΓ³w kolorΓ³w,</li> <li>ustalenie przezroczystego tΕa,</li> <li>Powiadamianie o zakoΕczonych procesach, ktΓ³re sΔ niewidoczne</li> </ul> <p>Program opracowano uΕΌywajΔ c GTK3, zachowujΔ c wytyczne GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). W wyniku tego wyΕwietla on obramowania po stronie klienta, choΔ w razie potrzeby moΕΌna je wyΕΔ czyΔ.</p> <p>Tilix przetestowano z GNOME i Unity.</p> id: >- <p>Ini memungkinkan Anda:</p> <ul> <li>Terminal mendukung judul kustom</li> <li>Latar belakang transparan</li> </ul> <p>Tilix telah diuji dengan GNOME dan Unity.</p> pt-BR: >- <p>Tilix Γ© um emulador de terminal em mosaico.</p> <p>Ele permite:</p> <ul> <li>Dispor terminais de diferentes maneiras, dividindo-os horizontalmente ou verticalmente</li> <li>Reorganizar terminais arrastando e soltando em uma mesma janela, ou entre janelas diferentes</li> <li>Separar terminais em novas janelas arrastando e soltando</li> <li>Sincronizar a entrada entre diferentes terminais, replicando comandos digitados em um terminal para outros</li> <li>Carregar e salvar grupos de terminais de/para o disco</li> <li>Atribuir tΓtulos personalizados aos terminais</li> <li>Criar e armazenar novos esquemas de cores personalizados apenas manipulando arquivos</li> <li>Utilizar plano de fundo transparente</li> <li>Receber notificaçáes quando processos terminarem em segundo plano</li> </ul> <p>A aplicação foi escrita usando GTK 3 e um esforΓ§o foi feito para estar em conformidade com o GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Como resultado, ele usa decoraçáes do lado do cliente, embora possa ser desativado se necessΓ‘rio.</p> <p>O Tilix foi testado nos ambientes GNOME e Unity.</p> ar: >- <p>Ψ₯ΩΩ ΩΨ―ΨΉΩ ΩΨ§Ψ―Ψ±ΩΨ§ ΨΉΩΩ:</p> <ul> <li>ΨͺΨ±ΨͺΩΨ¨ Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ Ψ¨Ψ§Ψ³ΨͺΨΉΩ Ψ§Ω Ψ§ΩΨ³ΨΨ¨ ΩΨ§ΩΨ₯ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ Ψ―Ψ§Ψ�Ω Ψ§ΩΩΨ§ΩΨ°Ψ© Ψ£Ω Ψ¨ΩΩ Ψ§ΩΩΩΨ§ΩΨ°</li> <li>ΩΨ²ΨΉ Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΨ© Ψ₯ΩΩ ΩΨ§ΩΨ°Ψ© Ψ¬Ψ―ΩΨ―Ψ© Ψ¨Ψ§ΩΨ³ΨΨ¨ ΩΨ§ΩΨ₯ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ</li> <li>Ψ₯Ω ΩΨ§ΩΩΩΩΨ© Ω Ψ²Ψ§Ω ΩΨ© Ψ§ΩΨ―Ψ�Ω Ψ¨ΩΩ Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΩΩΨ§Ψͺ Ψ¨ΨΩΨ« Ψ£Ω Ψ§ΩΨ£Ω Ψ± Ψ§ΩΨ°Ω ΩΩΩΨͺΨ¨ ΩΩ Ψ·Ψ±ΩΩΨ© ΩΩΩΨ±Ψ± ΩΩ Ψ¨Ψ§ΩΩ Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΩΨ§Ψͺ</li> <li>ΨΩΨΈ ΨͺΨ¬Ω ΩΨΉΨ© Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΩΩΨ§Ψͺ ΩΨͺΨΩ ΩΩΩΨ§ Ω Ω Ψ§ΩΩΨ±Ψ΅</li> <li>ΨͺΨ―ΨΉΩ Ψ§ΩΨ·Ψ±ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ ΨΉΩΨ§ΩΩΩ Ω Ψ�Ψ΅Ψ΅Ψ©</li> <li>ΨͺΨ�Ψ²ΩΩ Ω Ψ�Ψ·Ψ·Ψ§Ψͺ Ψ§ΩΨ£ΩΩΨ§Ω ΩΩ Ω ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ ΩΨ₯ΩΨ΄Ψ§Ψ‘ Ω Ψ�Ψ·ΩΩΨ·Ψ§Ψͺ Ψ£ΩΩΨ§Ω Ω Ψ�Ψ΅ΩΩΨ΅Ψ© Ψ¨Ψ¨Ψ³Ψ§Ψ·Ψ© Ψ¨Ψ₯ΩΨ΄Ψ§Ψ‘ Ω ΩΩ Ψ¬Ψ―ΩΨ―</li> <li>Ψ�ΩΩΩΨ© Ψ΄ΩΨ§ΩΨ©</li> <li>ΩΨ―ΨΉΩ Ψ§ΩΨͺΩΨ¨ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ ΨΉΩΨ―Ω Ψ§ ΨͺΩΨͺΩ Ω Ψ§ΩΨΉΩ ΩΩΨ§Ψͺ Ψ¨ΨΉΩΨ―ΩΨ§ ΨΉΩ Ω Ψ±Ψ’Ω</li> </ul> <p>ΨͺΩ Ψͺ ΩΨͺΨ§Ψ¨Ψ© Ψ§ΩΨͺΨ·Ψ¨ΩΩ Ψ¨Ψ§Ψ³ΨͺΨ�Ψ―Ψ§Ω GTK 3 ΩΨ¨ΩΨ°Ω Ψ¬ΩΨ― ΩΩΨͺΩΨ§ΩΩ Ω ΨΉ Ψ₯Ψ±Ψ΄Ψ§Ψ―Ψ§Ψͺ ΩΨ§Ψ¬ΩΨ© GNOME Ψ§ΩΨ¨Ψ΄Ψ±ΩΨ© (HIG). ΩΨͺΩΨ¬Ψ© ΩΨ°ΩΩ Ψ ΨͺΨ³ΨͺΨ�Ψ―Ω Ψ§ΩΨ²Ψ�Ψ§Ψ±Ω Ω Ω Ψ¬Ψ§ΩΨ¨ Ψ§ΩΨΉΩ ΩΩ Ψ ΨΉΩΩ Ψ§ΩΨ±ΨΊΩ Ω Ω Ψ₯Ω ΩΨ§ΩΩΨ© ΨͺΨΉΨ·ΩΩΩΨ§ Ψ₯Ψ°Ψ§ ΩΨ²Ω Ψ§ΩΨ£Ω Ψ±.</p> <p>Ψ§Ψ�ΨͺΨ¨Ψ± ΨͺΩΩΩΩΨ³ ΩΩ Ψ³Ψ·Ψ Ψ§ΩΩ ΩΨͺΨ¨ ΨΊΩΩΩ ΩΩΩ ΩΩΩΨͺΩ.</p> fi: >- <p>Tilix on laatoittava pÀÀte-emulaattori.</p> <p>Sen avulla voit:</p> <ul> <li>MÀÀrittÀÀ pÀÀtteiden asettelun millΓ€ tavoin tahansa jakamalla pÀÀteikkunan vaaka- tai pystysuunnassa</li> <li>JΓ€rjestÀÀ pÀÀtteitΓ€ vetΓ€mΓ€llΓ€ ja pudottamalla saman tai eri ikkunoiden vΓ€lillΓ€</li> <li>Asettaa pÀÀtteen uuteen ikkunaan vetΓ€mΓ€llΓ€ ja pudottamalla</li> <li>SyΓΆte on mahdollista synkronoida eri pÀÀtteiden vΓ€lillΓ€, joten yhteen pÀÀtteeseen kirjoitetut komennot voidaan replikoida muihin pÀÀtteisiin</li> <li>PÀÀtteiden ryhmittely on mahdollista tallentaa ja ladata levyltΓ€</li> <li>PÀÀtteet tukevat omavalintaisia otsikoita</li> <li>LΓ€pinΓ€kyvΓ€ tausta</li> <li>Tukee ilmoituksia, kun prosessit valmistuvat ilman ettΓ€ ne ovat nΓ€kyvissΓ€</li> </ul> <p>Tilix on testattu Gnomessa ja Unityssa.</p> ko: >- <p>Tilix λ νμΌλ§ ν°λ―Έλ μλ�¬λ μ΄ν° μ λλ€.</p> <p>λ€μκ³Ό κ°μ κ²μ ν μ μκ² ν΄ μ€λλ€:</p> <ul> <li>ν°λ―Έλμ κ°λ‘ λλ μΈλ‘λ‘ λΆν νμ¬ μνλ λ°©μμΌλ‘ λ°°μΉνμΈμ</li> <li>μ°½ μμ΄λ μ°½ μ¬μ΄μμ λμ΄μ�겨 ν°λ―Έλμ μ¬λ°°μ΄ ν μ μμ΅λλ€</li> <li>ν°λ―Έλμ λμ΄μ�겨 μ μ°½μΌλ‘ λΆλ¦¬ ν μ μμ΅λλ€</li> <li>ν°λ―Έλ μ¬μ΄ μ λ ₯μ λκΈ°ν ν μ μμΌλ©° ν ν°λ―Έλμμμ μ λ ₯μ΄ λ€λ₯Έ ν°λ―Έλμ 볡μ λ©λλ€</li> <li>ν°λ―Έλ 그루νμ λμ€ν¬μ μ μ₯νκ±°λ λΆλ¬μ¬ μ μμ΅λλ€</li> <li>ν°λ―Έλμ μ¬μ©μ μ§μ μ λͺ©μ μ§μν©λλ€</li> <li>μμ ꡬμ±νλ νμΌμ μ μ₯λλ©° λ¨μν μ νμΌμ μμ±νμ¬ μ¬μ©μ μ§μ μμ ꡬμ±νλ₯Ό μμ±ν μ μμ΅λλ€</li> <li>ν¬λͺ ν λ°°κ²½</li> <li>λ·° λ°μμ νλ‘μΈμ€λ₯Ό λλ λμ λν μλ¦Ό μ§μ</li> </ul> <p>μ΄ μ±μ GTK3 λ‘ μμ± λμμΌλ©° κ·Έλ ν΄λ¨Ό μΈν°νμ΄μ€ κ°μ΄λλΌμΈ(HIG) μ λ°λ₯΄κ³ μ λ Έλ ₯ νμ΅λλ€. κ²°κ³Όμ μΌλ‘, μ΄ μ±μ ν΄λΌμ΄μΈνΈ μΈ‘ λ°μ½λ μ΄μ μ μ¬μ©νλ©°, νμν κ²½μ° λΉνμ±ν λ μ μμ΅λλ€.</p> <p>Tilix λ κ·Έλκ³Ό μ λν°μμ μνλμμ΅λλ€.</p> en-GB: >- <p>Tilix is a tiling terminal emulator.</p> <p>It lets you:</p> <ul> <li>Layout terminals in any fashion by splitting them horizontally or vertically</li> <li>Terminals can be re-arranged using drag and drop both within and between windows</li> <li>Terminals can be detached into a new window via drag and drop</li> <li>Input can be synchronised between terminals so commands typed in one terminal are replicated to the others</li> <li>The grouping of terminals can be saved and loaded from disk</li> <li>Terminals support custom titles</li> <li>Colour schemes are stored in files and custom colour schemes can be created by simply creating a new file</li> <li>Transparent background</li> <li>Supports notifications when processes are completed out of view</li> </ul> <p>The application was written using GTK 3 and an effort was made to conform to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). As a result, it does use client-side-decorations, though it can be disabled if necessary.</p> <p>Tilix has been tested with GNOME and with Unity.</p> nl: >- <p>Tilix is een terminal-app met tegelmogelijkheid.</p> <p>Het stelt u in staat om:</p> <ul> <li>Terminals indelen op welke manier dan ook door ze horizontaal of verticaal te splitsen</li> <li>Terminals kunnen anders worden ingedeeld middels slepen-en-neerzetten binnen en tussen vensters</li> <li>Terminal kunnen worden veranderd in een nieuw venster middels slepen-en-neerzetten</li> <li>De invoer kan worden gesynchroniseerd tussen terminals zodat opdrachten uit de ene terminal kunnen worden hergebruikt in andere terminals</li> <li>Gegroepeerde terminals kunnen worden opgeslagen naar en geladen vanaf een schijf</li> <li>De terminals hebben ondersteuning voor aangepaste titels</li> <li>Kleurenschema's worden opgeslagen in bestanden. Aangepaste kleurenschema's kunnen worden samengesteld door het maken van een nieuw bestand.</li> <li>Doorzichtige achtergrond</li> <li>Ondersteunt meldingen voor processen die buiten het zicht worden voltooid</li> </ul> <p>De app is geschreven in GTK 3 en er is veel moeite gestoken in het volgen van de richtlijnen van de GNOME HIG (Human Interface Guidelines). Dit resulteert in het gebruik van client-side-decorations, maar deze kunnen worden uitgeschakeld indien nodig.</p> <p>Tilix is getest onder GNOME en Unity.</p> hr: >- <p>Tilix je ploΔasti emulator terminala.</p> <p>OmoguΔuje:</p> <ul> <li>RasporeΔivanje terminala na bilo koji naΔin, dijeleΔi ih vodoravno ili okomito</li> <li>Terminali se mogu prerasporediti pomoΔu βpovuci-i-ispustiβ unutar i izmeΔu prozora</li> <li>Terminali se mogu odvojiti u novi prozor pomoΔu βpovuci-i-ispustiβ</li> <li>Unos se moΕΎe sinkronizirati izmeΔu terminala, tako da se upisane naredbe u jednom terminalu, repliciraju na ostale</li> <li>Grupiranje terminala moΕΎe se spremiti i uΔitati s diska</li> <li>Terminali podrΕΎavaju prilagoΔene naslove</li> <li>Sheme boja spremaju se u datoteke, a prilagoΔene sheme boja mogu se jednostavno stvoriti stvaranjem nove datoteke</li> <li>Prozirna pozadina</li> <li>PodrΕΎava obavjeΕ‘tavanje kad neprikazani procesi zavrΕ‘e</li> </ul> <p>Program je napisan pomoΔu GTK 3 i nastojalo se uskladiti ga s GNOME-ovim smjernicama za ljudsko suΔelje (HIG). Kao rezultat, koristi dizajn klijenta, ali se to po potrebi moΕΎe deaktivirati.</p> <p>Tilix je testiran s okruΕΎenjima GNOME i Unity.</p> Developer: id: com.gexperts name: C: Gerald Nunn Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Url: homepage: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/ bugtracker: https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix/issues help: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/manual/ translate: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tilix/translations/ faq: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/faq Icon: cached: - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/icons/128x128/tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: com.gexperts.Tilix Launchable: desktop-id: - com.gexperts.Tilix.desktop Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard Provides: binaries: - tilix Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 Languages: - locale: ar percentage: 80 - locale: bg percentage: 41 - locale: ca percentage: 99 - locale: cs percentage: 92 - locale: de percentage: 94 - locale: el percentage: 42 - locale: en_GB percentage: 99 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 97 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: eu percentage: 38 - locale: fi percentage: 81 - locale: fr percentage: 99 - locale: gl percentage: 28 - locale: he percentage: 99 - locale: hr percentage: 99 - locale: id percentage: 89 - locale: it percentage: 88 - locale: ja percentage: 59 - locale: ko percentage: 99 - locale: nb_NO percentage: 34 - locale: nl percentage: 99 - locale: oc percentage: 37 - locale: pl percentage: 94 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 99 - locale: pt_PT percentage: 100 - locale: ro percentage: 91 - locale: ru percentage: 99 - locale: sr percentage: 91 - locale: sv percentage: 100 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: uk percentage: 100 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 95 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 74 Releases: - version: 1.9.6 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1699401600 description: C: >- <p>This release adds the following features:</p> <ul> <li>Add close button to search box</li> <li>Replace variables in custom link commands</li> <li>Follow system color-scheme for default theme-variant</li> </ul> <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p> <ul> <li>nautilus: Don't import a specific version</li> <li>nautilus: Add compatibility with Nautilus 43</li> <li>nautilus: Avoid shell injection in open-tilix plugin</li> <li>Drop manpage country names</li> <li>Replace std.xml with GMarkup-based parser</li> <li>icon: Fix up prompt pictogram alignment</li> <li>Fix GLib critical warnings on startup</li> </ul> <p>This release includes the following changes:</p> <ul> <li>Change Gnome to GNOME</li> <li>Replaced icon with more proportional one</li> <li>Update to GtkD 3.10.0</li> <li>ci: Run Ubuntu builds in container as well</li> <li>Change label of "view shortcuts" action</li> <li>Clarify tooltip of "reset to default" button for keyboard shortcuts</li> </ul> <p>With contributions from:</p> <p>Aaron Honeycutt, Andrea Agosti, Arne JΓΈrgensen, Eugene Ivanov, Felix Buehler, Jeremy Bicha, Jiehong Ma, Matthias Klumpp, Waldir Pimenta, Zsombor Welker, taoky</p> - version: 1.9.5 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1645488000 description: C: >- <p>Tilix is still looking for a new maintainer!</p> <p>This release adds the following features:</p> <ul> <li>Disable advanced paste when there is no linebreak like iTerm2</li> <li>Add environment variable when in quake mode</li> <li>Add possibility to configure always enabled regex</li> </ul> <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p> <ul> <li>More appdata -> metainfo move</li> <li>Add meson target for man page translations</li> <li>Update flatpak manifest</li> <li>meson: drop unused argument for i18n.merge_file()</li> <li>Stop using deprecated Meson features</li> <li>Keep quake window open if focus is restored before timeout has been reached</li> <li>Don't check GtkDragResult (Wayland compatibility)</li> <li>Don't add application/x-rootwindow-drop to dragSourceSet targets</li> </ul> <p>With contributions from:</p> <p>Alan Scherger, Antoine Belvire, David King, Jan Beich, kohnish, luk1337, matishadow, Winston Hoy, Matthias Klumpp</p> - version: 1.9.4 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1612915200 description: C: >- <p>Tilix is looking for maintainers! At the moment, only very minimal maintenance is done, no new features will be implemented and pull-requests may be reviewed very slowly.</p> <p>If you are interested in helping Tilix, please chime in!</p> <p>This release adds the following features:</p> <ul> <li>Actually install Yaru color scheme</li> <li>Give every tab the ${title} (instead of "Default")</li> <li>Add option to strip trailing whitespace on paste (#1904)</li> </ul> <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p> <ul> <li>Fix saving of already saved session</li> <li>Add shortcut to "Unselect all"</li> <li>Many Meson buildsystem fixes</li> <li>Avoid missing the previous command exit code when encoding URLs</li> <li>Resolve some D deprecation messages</li> <li>Mention powerline/fonts in README</li> <li>Avoid calling `values()` on a shared object</li> <li>Update metainfo data</li> <li>Drop compat code for older D frontend versions</li> <li>Bump minimum VTE version to 0.46</li> <li>Remove deprecated Autotools support</li> <li>Add release notes, NEWS file, automatic metainfo update</li> <li>Update to GtkD 3.9.0</li> </ul> <p>This release updates translations.</p> - version: 1.9.3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1556928000 description: C: >- <p>This release fixes the following bug:</p> <ul> <li>Fixes a problem with the session sidebar getting out of sync after having deleted a session. See issues #1680, #1637 and #1699.</li> </ul> ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: generic ID: com.github.ralovich.antpm Package: antpm Name: C: antpm Summary: C: ANT+ information retrieval client for Garmin GPS products Description: C: >- <p>This software uses the Garmin ANT+ proprietary USB keys and communication protocol to retrieve information (such as GPS traces) from some Garmin Forerunner watches such as Forerunner 405 and 310XT.</p> <p>The underlying ANT+minus implements the ANT/ANT+/ANT-FS protocols to provide these tools: garmin-ant-downloader, antpm-downloader, antpm-fit2gpx, and antpm-usbmon2ant.</p> <p>ANT+minus is a userspace implementation of a wire protocol similar to the ANT/ANT+/ANT-FS protocols. The goal is to be able to communicate with any ANT capable device in order to e.g. retrieve sports tracks. The C++ implementation is currently available under both Linux and win. Communication with watches other than the 310XT might work, but are untested. Please report your experience to help improving the software.</p> <p>The software was originally named "gant" but renamed when packaged to avoid confusion with existing Java software.</p> Url: homepage: https://github.com/ralovich/antpm Provides: modaliases: - usb:v0FCFp1004d* - usb:v0FCFp1008d* - usb:v0FCFp1009d* --- Type: desktop-application ID: cecilia.desktop Package: cecilia Name: C: cecilia Summary: C: Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment Description: C: "<p>Cecilia is an audio signal processing environment. Cecilia lets you create \n your own GUI (grapher, sliders, toggles, popup menus) using a simple syntax. \n Cecilia comes with many original builtin modules for sound effects and synthesis.</p>" DeveloperName: C: Olivier BΓ©langer ProjectGroup: https://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Audio Keywords: C: - audio - sound - jack - editor Url: homepage: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5 bugtracker: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5/issues Icon: cached: - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: c/ce/cecilia.desktop/a4f2e426caf8dfdcd4abd6de19c973aa/icons/128x128/cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: cecilia Launchable: desktop-id: - cecilia.desktop Provides: binaries: - cecilia --- Type: desktop-application ID: flent.desktop Package: flent Name: C: Flent Summary: C: The FLExible Network Tester Description: C: >- <p> The FLExible Network Tester is a Python wrapper to run multiple simultaneous netperf/iperf/ping instances and aggregate the results. </p> <p> Tests are specified as config files (which are really Python), and various parsers for tool output are supplied. At the moment, parsers for netperf in -D mode, iperf in csv mode and ping/ping6 in -D mode are supplied, as well as a generic parser for commands that just outputs a single number. </p> <p> Several commands can be run in parallel and, provided they output timestamped values, (which netperf ping and iperf do, the latter with a small patch, available in the misc/ directory), the test data points can be aligned with each other in time, interpolating differences between the actual measurement points. This makes it possible to graph (e.g.) ping times before, during and after a link is loaded. </p> ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - network - bufferbloat - performance - testing - rrul Url: homepage: https://flent.org/ Icon: cached: - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/icons/128x128/flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: applications-internet Launchable: desktop-id: - flent.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.flent.data+json - application/vnd.flent.data.gzip - application/vnd.flent.data.bzip2 - application/x-compressed-json Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_1248x889.png width: 1248 height: 889 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_752x535.png width: 752 height: 535 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_624x444.png width: 624 height: 444 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_224x159.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1367 height: 974 --- Type: desktop-application ID: orange-spectroscopy.desktop Package: python3-orange-spectroscopy Name: C: Orange Spectroscopy/Quasar Summary: C: Explore, analyze, and visualize your spectroscopy data Description: en: >- <p>Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.</p> <p>Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform</p> <p>### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra</p> C: >- <p>Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.</p> <p>Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform</p> <p>### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra</p> en_AU: >- <p>Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.</p> <p>Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform</p> <p>### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra</p> en_CA: >- <p>Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.</p> <p>Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform</p> <p>### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra</p> en_GB: >- <p>Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.</p> <p>Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform</p> <p>### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra</p> Categories: - Science - Education - ArtificialIntelligence - DataVisualization - NumericalAnalysis Keywords: C: - Machine Learning - Scientific Visualization - Statistical Analysis - Spectroscopy Icon: cached: - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: o/or/orange-spectroscopy.desktop/3dd553d2877b4f1cff959177e1552b06/icons/128x128/python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: orange-canvas Launchable: desktop-id: - orange-spectroscopy.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-extension-ows --- Type: desktop-application ID: git-annex.desktop Package: git-annex Name: C: Git Annex Summary: C: Track and sync the files in your Git Annex Description: C: >- <p>git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.</p> <p>It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg, so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.</p> <p>git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.</p> en: >- <p>git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.</p> <p>It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg, so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.</p> <p>git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.</p> Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Icon: cached: - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: g/gi/git-annex.desktop/b791a9fa37ab72444f42cdf04cc4b06b/icons/128x128/git-annex_git-annex.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: git-annex Launchable: desktop-id: - git-annex.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: net.sourceforge.artha Package: artha Name: C: Artha Summary: C: Handy thesaurus based on WordNet Description: C: >- <p>Artha is a off-line English thesaurus with distinct features like: * hot-key press word look-up (select text on any window and press a preset hot-key for look-up) * regular expressions based search (broaden search using wild-cards like *, ?, etc.) * passive desktop notifications (of word definitions for uninterrupted work-flow) * spelling suggestions (when the exact spelling is vague/not known)</p> <p>Once launched, it monitors for a preset hot-key combination. When some text is selected on any window and the hot-key is pressed, it pops-up with the word looked-up. Should the user prefer passive notifications, this can be done by enabling the notifications option.</p> <p>When the term looked for is vague/not known, then either the search can be broadened with the use of regular expressions (*, ?, etc.) in the search string or spelling suggestions when a term is incorrect.</p> <p>For regular expressions based search to work, wordnet-sense-index package is required.</p> en: >- <p>Artha is a off-line English thesaurus with distinct features like: * hot-key press word look-up (select text on any window and press a preset hot-key for look-up) * regular expressions based search (broaden search using wild-cards like *, ?, etc.) * passive desktop notifications (of word definitions for uninterrupted work-flow) * spelling suggestions (when the exact spelling is vague/not known)</p> <p>Once launched, it monitors for a preset hot-key combination. When some text is selected on any window and the hot-key is pressed, it pops-up with the word looked-up. Should the user prefer passive notifications, this can be done by enabling the notifications option.</p> <p>When the term looked for is vague/not known, then either the search can be broadened with the use of regular expressions (*, ?, etc.) in the search string or spelling suggestions when a term is incorrect.</p> <p>For regular expressions based search to work, wordnet-sense-index package is required.</p> Categories: - Utility - Languages - Literature Icon: cached: - name: artha_artha.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: artha Launchable: desktop-id: - net.sourceforge.artha.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: paraview.desktop Package: paraview Name: C: ParaView Client Summary: C: ParaView allows viewing of large data sets Description: C: >- <p>ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large. The goals of the ParaView project include the following:</p> <p> * Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards.</p> <p>ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various Unix workstations, clusters and supercomputers. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using Qt.</p> en: >- <p>ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform application designed to visualize data sets of size varying from small to very large. The goals of the ParaView project include the following:</p> <p> * Develop an open-source, multi-platform visualization application. * Support distributed computation models to process large data sets. * Create an open, flexible, and intuitive user interface. * Develop an extensible architecture based on open standards.</p> <p>ParaView runs on distributed and shared memory parallel as well as single processor systems and has been successfully tested on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and various Unix workstations, clusters and supercomputers. Under the hood, ParaView uses the Visualization Toolkit as the data processing and rendering engine and has a user interface written using Qt.</p> Categories: - Education - Math - Science Icon: cached: - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: paraview Launchable: desktop-id: - paraview.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-paraview --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.paraview.ParaView Package: paraview ProjectLicense: BSD-3-Clause Name: C: ParaView Summary: C: Data analysis and visualization Description: C: >- <p> ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaViewβs batch processing capabilities. </p> <p> ParaView was developed to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources. It can be run on supercomputers to analyze datasets of exascale size as well as on laptops for smaller data. </p> Categories: - Science Url: homepage: http://paraview.org/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues help: https://www.paraview.org/documentation/ faq: https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:FAQ Icon: cached: - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: paraview_paraview.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: paraview Launchable: desktop-id: - org.paraview.ParaView.desktop Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: 'This visualization was a finalist in the SC21 Visualization Showcase. Credits: Francesca Samel et al. at Los Alamos National Lab.' thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1117 height: 826 - caption: C: Emergence of skin micro-wrinkles. Courtesy of Georges Limbert, University of Southampton, UK and University of Cape Town, South Africa. thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_1248x923@1.png width: 1248 height: 923 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1420 - caption: C: 'ParaView was used in Russell Taylorβs Comp 715: Visualization in the Sciences class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Author: Jared Vicory et al.' thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1049 height: 776 - caption: C: Temporal plane jet DNS simulation thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_752x534@1.png width: 752 height: 534 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_624x443@1.png width: 624 height: 443 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_224x159@1.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 1024 height: 728 - caption: C: Visualization of MIT General Circulation Model data showing surface temperature, VHEr and bathymetry thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_1248x922@1.png width: 1248 height: 922 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 1593 height: 1178 - caption: C: Cross Wind Fire Simulation (Image courtesy of Sandia National Labs) thumbnails: - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_1248x923@1.png width: 1248 height: 923 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_752x556@1.png width: 752 height: 556 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_624x461@1.png width: 624 height: 461 - url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_224x165@1.png width: 224 height: 165 source-image: url: org/paraview/ParaView/0b250e4e453375de5977574fd3144d9d/screenshots/image-6_orig.png width: 1540 height: 1139 --- Type: desktop-application ID: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Package: gourmand Name: C: Gourmand Summary: C: Organize recipes, create shopping lists, calculate nutritional information, and more. Description: C: >- <p>Gourmand is a recipe-organizer that allows you to collect, search, organize, and browse your recipes. Gourmand can also generate shopping lists and calculate nutritional information.</p> ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://github.com/GourmandRecipeManager/gourmand Icon: cached: - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/icons/128x128/gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand Launchable: desktop-id: - io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_752x508.png width: 752 height: 508 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_624x421.png width: 624 height: 421 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_224x151.png width: 224 height: 151 source-image: url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1195 height: 808 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Extensions Package: gnome-shell-extension-prefs ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later Name: zh-Hant-TW: ζ΄ε ε₯δ»Ά kab: IsiΙ£zaf vi: PhαΊ§n mα» rα»ng he: ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ fur: Estensions eu: Hedapenak mjw: Extensions ka: ααα€αα ααααααα bn-IN: ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ nb: Utvidelser os: Π£ΣΠ»ΣΠΌΡ Π°ΡΣΠ½ΡΣ ja: ζ‘εΌ΅ζ©θ½ de: Erweiterungen ia: Extensiones bg: Π Π°Π·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ oc: Extensions pt: ExtensΓ΅es ro: Extensii pt-BR: ExtensΓ΅es hr: ProΕ‘irenja fa: Ψ§ΩΨ²ΩΩΩβΩΨ§ ru: Π Π°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ gl: ExtensiΓ³ns en-GB: Extensions C: Extensions uk: Π ΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ kk-Cyrl: ΠΠ΅�£Π΅ΠΉΡΡΠ»Π΅Ρ is: ForritsviΓ°aukar lt: PlΔtiniai sv: TillΓ€gg sk: RozΕ‘Γrenia be-Cyrl: ΠΠ°ΡΡΡΡΠ½Π½Ρ el: ΞΟΡκΟΞ¬ΟΞ΅ΞΉΟ fr: Extensions ca: Extensions da: Udvidelser it: Estensioni ko: νμ₯ es: Extensiones ne: ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ€Ήΰ€°ΰ₯ sl: RazΕ‘iritve lupine sr-Cyrl: ΠΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ° tr: UzantΔ±lar zh-Hans-CN: ζ©ε± id: Ekstensi fy: Γtwreidingen hi: ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€Έ fi: Laajennukset lv: PaplaΕ‘inΔjumi pl: Rozszerzenia pa: ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨Όΰ¨¨ bn: ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ΰ¦Έΰ¦�ΰ§ΰ¦Ή sr-Latn: ProΕ‘irenja ie: Extensiones nl: Uitbreidingen hu: KiterjesztΓ©sek eo: EtendaΔ΅oj cs: RozΕ‘ΓΕenΓ Summary: zh-Hant-TW: η�‘ηγGNOME Shellγηζ΄ε ε₯δ»Ά he: Χ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ GNOME Χ©ΧΧ vi: QuαΊ£n lΓ½ cΓ‘c phαΊ§n mα» rα»ng GNOME của bαΊ‘n eu: Kudeatu zure GNOME hedapenak fur: GjestΓ¬s lis tΓ΄s Estensions di GNOME en-GB: Manage your GNOME Extensions ka: GNOME-αα‘ αα₯αααα ααα€αα αααααααα‘ ααα ααα bn-IN: ΰ¦ΰ¦ͺনার ΰ¦ΰ¦Ώΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦� ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ ΰ¦ͺΰ¦°ΰ¦Ώΰ¦ΰ¦Ύΰ¦²ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Ύ ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ§ΰ¦¨ nb: Hold styr pΓ₯ GNOME-utvidelsene dine ja: GNOME ζ‘εΌ΅ζ©θ½γη�‘ηγγΎγ de: Ihre GNOME-Erweiterungen verwalten be-Cyrl: ΠΡΡΠ°Π²Π°Π½Π½Π΅ ΠΏΠ°ΡΡΡΡΠ½Π½ΡΠΌΡ GNOME ia: Gerer le extensiones de GNOME bg: Π£ΠΏΡΠ°Π²Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ Π½Π° ΡΠ°Π·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡΡΠ° Π½Π° GNOME oc: Gerir vΓ²stras extensions GNOME ro: AdministraΘi Exensiile GNOME pt: Gerir as extensΓ΅es do GNOME pt-BR: Gerencie suas extensΓ΅es do GNOME hr: Upravljajte svojim GNOME proΕ‘irenjima fa: Ω Ψ―ΫΨ±ΫΨͺ Ψ§ΩΨ²ΩΩΩβΩΨ§Ϋ ΩΎΩΨ³ΨͺΩΩ Ϊ―ΩΩΩ ru: Π£ΠΏΡΠ°Π²Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡΠΌΠΈ GNOME Shell gl: Xestione as sΓΊas extensiΓ³ns de GNOME el: ΞΞΉΞ±ΟΡίΟΞΉΟΞ· Ξ΅ΟΡκΟΞ¬ΟΞ΅ΟΞ½ GNOME uk: ΠΠ΅ΡΡΠΉΡΠ΅ Π²Π°ΡΠΈΠΌΠΈ ΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΠΌΠΈ GNOME C: Manage your GNOME Extensions is: SΓ½sla meΓ° GNOME Shell Extension forritsviΓ°auka fr: GΓ©rer vos extensions GNOME lt: Tvarkyti GNOME plΔtinius sv: Hantera dina GNOME-tillΓ€gg sk: Spravuje vaΕ‘e rozΕ‘Γrenia prostredia GNOME kk-Cyrl: GNOME ΠΊΠ΅�£Π΅ΠΉΡΡΠ»Π΅ΡΡΠ½ Π±Π°Ρ�Π°ΡΡ da: HΓ₯ndtΓ©r dine GNOME-udvidelser ca: Gestioneu les extensions del GNOME Shell it: Gestione delle Estensioni GNOME ko: κ·Έλ νμ₯μ κ΄λ¦¬ν©λλ€ es: Gestionar sus extensiones de GNOME Shell ne: ΰ€€ΰ€ͺΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€� ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€° ΰ€΅ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€΅ΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€₯ΰ€Ύΰ€ͺΰ€¨ ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€Ήΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ₯ sl: Upravljanje z razΕ‘iritvami Lupine GNOME sr-Cyrl: ΠΠΎΠ΄Π΅ΡΠΈΡΠ΅ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ° ΠΠ½ΠΎΠΌΠ° tr: GNOME UzantΔ±larΔ±nΔ± YΓΆnet zh-Hans-CN: η�‘ηζ¨η GNOME ζ©ε± id: Kelola Ekstensi GNOME Anda fy: Jo GNOME Γtwreidingen behearre hi: ΰ€ ΰ€ͺΰ€¨ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€� ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ ΰ€ͺΰ₯ΰ€°ΰ€¬ΰ€ΰ€§ΰ€Ώΰ€€ ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€ fi: Hallitse Gnome-laajennuksia lv: PΔrvaldiet savus GNOME paplaΕ‘inΔjumus pl: ZarzΔ dzanie rozszerzeniami GNOME pa: ΰ¨ΰ¨¨ΰ©ΰ¨� ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨Έΰ¨Όΰ¨¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ ਦਾ ΰ¨ΰ©°ΰ¨€ΰ©ΰ¨Ύΰ¨� ΰ¨ΰ¨°ΰ© bn: ΰ¦ΰ¦ͺনার ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦� ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ ΰ¦Έΰ¦Ύΰ¦�লান sr-Latn: Podesite proΕ‘irenja Gnoma th: ΰΈΰΈ±ΰΈΰΈΰΈ²ΰΈ£ΰΈͺΰΉΰΈ§ΰΈΰΈΰΈ’ΰΈ²ΰΈ’ΰΈΰΉΰΈ²ΰΈΰΉ ΰΈΰΈΰΈ GNOME ΰΈΰΈΰΈΰΈΰΈΈΰΈ nl: Beheer uw GNOME-uitbreidingen hu: SajΓ‘t GNOME kiterjesztΓ©sek kezelΓ©se eo: Agordi viajn GNOME etendaΔ΅ojn cs: SprΓ‘va vaΕ‘ich rozΕ‘ΓΕenΓ GNOME Description: he: >- <p>ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ GNOME ΧΧΧ€Χ ΧΧ’ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ, ΧΧΧΧ¨Χͺ ΧΧ€Χ©Χ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ Χ©Χ ΧΧ ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧ, ΧΧ‘Χ¨Χ ΧΧΧ©ΧΧͺΧͺ ΧΧ¨ΧΧΧΧͺ ΧΧ Χ¨Χ¦ΧΧΧΧͺ.</p> fur: >- <p>Estensions di GNOME al gjestΓ¬s l'inzornament des estensions, la configurazion des preferencis des estensions e la rimozion o la disabilitazion des estensions che no son desideradis.</p> eu: >- <p>GNOME Hedapenak aplikazioak hedapenak eguneratzea, hedapenen hobespenak konfiguratzea eta gehiago nahi ez diren hedapenak kentzea edo desgaitzea ahalbidetzen du.</p> zh-Hant-TW: >- <p>γGNOME ζ΄ε ε₯δ»Άγθ½η�‘ηζ΄ε ε₯δ»Άζ΄ζ°γθͺΏζ΄ζ΄ε ε₯δ»Άεε₯½θ¨ε�γ移ι€ζεη¨δΈζ³η¨ηζ΄ε ε₯δ»Άηγ</p> bg: >- <p>Π‘ βΠ Π°Π·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡΡΠ° Π½Π° GNOMEβ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ΅ Π΄Π° ΠΏΡΠΎΠΌΠ΅Π½ΡΡΠ΅ Π½Π°ΡΡΡΠΎΠΉΠΊΠΈΡΠ΅ ΠΈΠΌ, Π΄Π° ΠΈΠ½ΡΡΠ°Π»ΠΈΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ Π½ΠΎΠ²ΠΈ, Π΄Π° Π΄Π΅ΠΈΠ½ΡΡΠ°Π»ΠΈΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΈΠ·ΠΊΠ»ΡΡΠ²Π°ΡΠ΅ Π½Π΅ΠΆΠ΅Π»Π°Π½ΠΈΡΠ΅ ΡΠ°Π·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ.</p> vi: >- <p>PhαΊ§n mα» rα»ng GNOME xα» lΓ½ viα»c cαΊp nhαΊt tiα»n Γch mα» rα»ng, cαΊ₯u hΓ¬nh tΓΉy chα»n tiα»n Γch mα» rα»ng vΓ xΓ³a hoαΊ·c vΓ΄ hiα»u hΓ³a cΓ‘c tiα»n Γch mα» rα»ng khΓ΄ng mong muα»n.</p> bn-IN: >- <p>ΰ¦ΰ¦Ώΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦� ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ΰ¦Έ ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦Ύΰ¦¨ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ ΰ¦ΰ¦ͺ঑ΰ§ΰ¦ ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ¦€ΰ§, ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦Ύΰ¦¨ ΰ¦ͺΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ ΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ¦«ΰ¦Ώΰ¦ΰ¦Ύΰ¦° ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ§ ΰ¦ΰ¦¬ΰ¦ ΰ¦ ΰ¦―ΰ¦Ύΰ¦ΰ¦Ώΰ¦€ ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦Ύΰ¦¨ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦²ΰ¦Ώ সরিয়ৠবা ΰ¦ ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦·ΰ¦� ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ§ΰ₯€</p> ka: >- <p>GNOME-αα‘ ααα€αα ααααααα αααααααα£ααα ααα€αα αααααααα‘ ααααα�ααααα, αααα ααα αααα’α αααα‘ ααα ααααα αα αα αα‘αα‘α£α αααα ααα€αα αααααααα‘ α¬αα¨ααα αα ααααα αααα.</p> nb: >- <p>GNOME Utvidelser hΓ₯ndterer oppdatering og tilpassing av utvidelser, og lar deg fjerne eller slΓ₯ av uΓΈnskede utvidelser.</p> ja: >- <p>βζ‘εΌ΅ζ©θ½βγ― GNOME Shell ζ‘εΌ΅ζ©θ½γ�θ¨ε�γζ΄ζ°γει€γδΈθ¦γͺζ‘εΌ΅ζ©θ½γ�η‘εΉεγθ‘γγγ¨γγ§γγΎγγ</p> de: >- <p>GNOME-Erweiterungen dient der Aktualisierung von Erweiterungen, dem Konfigurieren der Voreinstellungen von Erweiterungen und dem Entfernen oder Deaktivieren nicht gewΓΌnschter Erweiterungen.</p> oc: >- <p>GNOME Extensions gerΓs las mesas a jorn d'extensions, lo parametratge de la preferΓ©ncias d'extensions e la supression o desactivacion de las extensions pas volguda.</p> gl: >- <p>ExtensiΓ³ns de GNOME xestiona a actualizaciΓ³n de extensions, a sΓΊa configuraciΓ³n, eliminaciΓ³n e a desactivaciΓ³n das extensiΓ³ns que non quere.</p> pt: >- <p>O ExtensΓ΅es do GNOME lida com a atualização da extensΓ΅es, configuração das preferΓͺncias de extensΓ΅es e remoção ou desativação de extensΓ΅es jΓ‘ nΓ£o desejadas.</p> hr: >- <p>GNOME ProΕ‘irenja rukuje nadopunama proΕ‘irenja, podeΕ‘avanjem osobitostima proΕ‘irenja i uklanjanjem ili onemoguΔavanjem neΕΎeljenih proΕ‘irenja.</p> pt-BR: >- <p>ExtensΓ΅es do GNOME lida com a atualização, configuração e preferΓͺncias das extensΓ΅es, e tambΓ©m remove ou desabilita as extensΓ΅es indesejadas.</p> fa: >- <p>Ψ§ΩΨ²ΩΩΩβΩΨ§Ϋ Ϊ―ΩΩΩ Ψ Ψ¨ΩβΨ±ΩΨ² Ψ±Ψ³Ψ§ΩΫΨ ΩΎΫΪ©Ψ±Ψ¨ΩΨ―ΫΨ Ψ¨Ψ±Ψ―Ψ§Ψ΄ΨͺΩ ΫΨ§ Ψ§Ψ² Ϊ©Ψ§Ψ± Ψ§ΩΨ―Ψ§Ψ�ΨͺΩ Ψ§ΩΨ²ΩΩΩβΩΨ§ Ψ±Ψ§ Ω Ψ―ΫΨ±ΫΨͺ Ω ΫβΪ©ΩΨ―.</p> ru: >- <p>ΠΡΠΈΠ»ΠΎΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ "Π Π°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡ GNOME" Π·Π°Π½ΠΈΠΌΠ°Π΅ΡΡΡ ΠΎΠ±Π½ΠΎΠ²Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠΉ, Π½Π°ΡΡΡΠΎΠΉΠΊΠΎΠΉ ΠΏΠ°ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡΠΎΠ² ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠΉ ΠΈ ΡΠ΄Π°Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΎΡΠΊΠ»ΡΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ Π½Π΅Π½ΡΠΆΠ½ΡΡ ΡΠ°ΡΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠΉ.</p> el: >- <p>΀ο ΟΟΟΞ³ΟΞ±ΞΌΞΌΞ± ΞΟΡκΟΞ¬ΟΞ΅ΞΉΟ GNOME ΟΡιΟΞ―ΞΆΞ΅ΟΞ±ΞΉ ΟΞ·Ξ½ ΡνημΞΟΟΟΞ· Ξ΅ΟΡκΟΞ¬ΟΞ΅ΟΞ½, ΟΞ· ΟΟΞΈΞΌΞΉΟΞ· ΟΟΞΏΟΞΉΞΌΞ�ΟΞ΅ΟΞ½ ΞΊΞ±ΞΉ ΟΞ·Ξ½ Ξ±ΟΞ±Ξ―ΟΞ΅ΟΞ· Ξ� Ξ±ΟΡνΡΟΞ³ΞΏΟΞΏΞ―Ξ·ΟΞ· Ξ±Ξ½Ξ΅ΟΞΉΞΈΟΞΌΞ·ΟΟΞ½ Ξ΅ΟΡκΟΞ¬ΟΞ΅ΟΞ½.</p> en-GB: >- <p>GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions.</p> uk: >- <p>Β«Π ΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Π½ΡΒ» GNOME ΠΎΠ±ΡΠΎΠ±Π»ΡΡΡΡ ΠΎΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π»Π΅Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Ρ, Π½Π°Π»Π°ΡΡΠΎΠ²ΡΠ²Π°Π½Π½Ρ ΠΏΠ°ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡΡΠ² ΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Ρ, Π° ΡΠ°ΠΊΠΎΠΆ Π²ΠΈΠ»ΡΡΠ΅Π½Π½Ρ ΡΠ° Π²ΠΈΠΌΠΈΠΊΠ°Π½Π½Ρ Π½Π΅Π±Π°ΠΆΠ°Π½ΠΈΡ ΡΠΎΠ·ΡΠΈΡΠ΅Π½Ρ.</p> fr: >- <p>Extensions de GNOME gΓ¨re la mise Γ jour des extensions, la configuration des prΓ©fΓ©rences des extensions et la suppression ou la dΓ©sactivation des extensions non dΓ©sirΓ©es.</p> kk-Cyrl: >- <p>GNOME ΠΊΠ΅�£Π΅ΠΉΡΡΠ»Π΅ΡΡ ΠΊΣ©ΠΌΠ΅Π³ΡΠΌΠ΅Π½ ΠΊΠ΅�£Π΅ΠΉΡΡΠ»Π΅ΡΠ΄Ρ ΠΆΠ°�£Π°ΡΡΡ, Π±Π°ΠΏΡΠ°Ρ ΠΆΣΠ½Π΅ ΠΎΠ»Π°ΡΠ΄Ρ Σ©ΡΡΡΡ Π½Π΅ΠΌΠ΅ΡΠ΅ ΡΣ©Π½Π΄ΡΡΡΠ³Π΅ Π±ΠΎΠ»Π°Π΄Ρ.</p> C: >- <p> GNOME Extensions handles updating extensions, configuring extension preferences and removing or disabling unwanted extensions. </p> lt: >- <p>GNOME PlΔtiniai atnaujina plΔtinius, konfigΕ«ruoja jΕ³ nustatymus bei Ε‘alina arba iΕ‘jungia nepageidaujamus plΔtinius.</p> be-Cyrl: >- <p>ΠΠ°ΡΡΡΡΠ½Π½Ρ GNOME Π°ΠΆΡΡΡΡΡΠ»ΡΡΡΡ Π°Π±Π½Π°ΡΠ»Π΅Π½Π½Π΅ Ρ Π·ΠΌΡΠ½Π΅Π½Π½Π΅ ΠΏΠ°ΡΠ°ΠΌΠ΅ΡΡΠ°Ρ ΠΏΠ°ΡΡΡΡΠ½Π½ΡΡ, Π²ΡΠ΄Π°Π»Π΅Π½Π½Π΅ Π°Π±ΠΎ Π°Π΄ΠΊΠ»ΡΡΡΠ½Π½Π΅ Π½Π΅ΠΏΠ°ΠΆΠ°Π΄Π°Π½ΡΡ ΠΏΠ°ΡΡΡΡΠ½Π½ΡΡ.</p> sv: >- <p>GNOME TillΓ€gg hanterar uppdatering av tillΓ€gg, konfiguration av instΓ€llningar fΓΆr tillΓ€gg samt att ta bort eller inaktivera oΓΆnskade tillΓ€gg.</p> sk: >- <p>RozΕ‘Γrenia prostredia GNOME spravujΓΊ aktualizΓ‘cie rozΕ‘ΓrenΓ, konfigurΓ‘ciu predvolieb rozΕ‘ΓrenΓ a odstraΕovanie alebo zakΓ‘zanie nechcenΓ½ch rozΕ‘ΓrenΓ.</p> ca: >- <p>Les extensions del GNOME gestiona les actualitzacions de les extensions, configurant les preferΓ¨ncies de l'extensiΓ³ i suprimint o desactivant les extensions no desitjades.</p> da: >- <p>GNOME Udvidelser hΓ₯ndterer opdatering af udvidelser, konfigurering af deres indstillinger og fjernelse eller deaktivering af uΓΈnskede udvidelser.</p> it: >- <p>Estensioni GNOME gestisce l'aggiornamento e la configurazione delle preferenze delle estensioni e la rimozione o la disabilitazione di estensioni indesiderate.</p> ko: >- <p>κ·Έλ νμ₯ κ΄λ¦¬μμμλ νμ₯ κΈ°λ₯μ μ λ°μ΄νΈ, νμ₯ κΈ°λ₯μ μ€μ , μνμ§ μλ νμ₯ κΈ°λ₯ μ κ±° λλ μ¬μ© μ€μ§λ₯Ό μ²λ¦¬ν©λλ€.</p> es: >- <p>Extensiones de GNOME gestiona las actualizaciones de las extensiones, configurando sus preferencias y quitando o desactivando las que no quiera.</p> ne: >- <p>ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€� ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ€²ΰ₯ ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ€ ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€Ύΰ€΅ΰ€§ΰ€Ώΰ€ ΰ€Ήΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€Ύΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€‘ΰ€² ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€¦ΰ€, ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€° ΰ€ͺΰ₯ΰ€°ΰ€Ύΰ€₯ΰ€�ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€Ήΰ€°ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€«ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€° ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€¦ΰ€ ΰ€° ΰ€¨ΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€Ήΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€ΰ€Ύ ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ€Ήΰ€°ΰ₯ ΰ€Ήΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€ΰ€¦ΰ₯ ΰ€΅ΰ€Ύ ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€·ΰ€� ΰ€ͺΰ€Ύΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ₯€</p> sl: >- <p>Program RazΕ‘iritve GNOME omogoΔa nameΕ‘Δanje in posodabljanje razΕ‘iritev, prilagajanje nastavitev in upravljanje njihovega delovanja.</p> sr-Cyrl: >- <p>ΠΠ½ΠΎΠΌΠΎΠ²Π° ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ° ΡΡΠΊΠΎΠ²ΠΎΠ΄Π΅ Π°ΠΆΡΡΠΈΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ°, ΠΏΠΎΠ΄Π΅ΡΠ°Π²Π°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΏΠΎΡΡΠ°Π²ΠΊΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ° ΠΈ ΡΠΊΠ»Π°ΡΠ°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΎΠ½Π΅ΠΌΠΎΠ³ΡΡΠ°Π²Π°ΡΠ΅ΠΌ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ°.</p> tr: >- <p>GNOME UzantΔ±lar; uzantΔ±larΔ± gΓΌncellemeyi, uzantΔ± tercihlerini yapΔ±landΔ±rmayΔ± ve istenmeyen uzantΔ±larΔ± kaldΔ±rmayΔ± veya devre dΔ±ΕΔ± bΔ±rakmanΔ±zΔ± saΔlar.</p> ro: >- <p>Exensii GNOME gestioneazΔ actualizarea extensiilor, configurarea preferinΘelor extensiei Θi eliminarea sau dezactivarea extensiilor nedorite.</p> zh-Hans-CN: >- <p>GNOME ζ©ε±η¨εΊε―η¨δΊεηΊ§ζ©ε±οΌι η½�ζ©ε±ι¦ιι‘Ήε移ι€γη¦η¨δΈζ³θ¦ηζ©ε±γ</p> id: >- <p>Ekstensi GNOME menangani pemutakhiran ekstensi, mengkonfigurasi preferensi ekstensi, dan menghapus atau menonaktifkan ekstensi yang tidak diinginkan.</p> fi: >- <p>Gnomen laajennussovellus Laajennukset kΓ€sittelee laajennusten pΓ€ivitykset, niiden asetukset ja sen avulla voi poistaa laajennuksia kΓ€ytΓΆstΓ€ tai kokonaan jΓ€rjestelmΓ€stΓ€.</p> lv: >- <p>βGNOME paplaΕ‘inΔjumiβ nodroΕ‘ina paplaΕ‘inΔjumu atjauninΔΕ‘anu un konfigurΔΕ‘anu, kΔ arΔ« nevajadzΔ«go paplaΕ‘inΔjumu izslΔgΕ‘anu vai izΕemΕ‘anu.</p> hi: >- <p>'ΰ€ΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€� ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€Έ' ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€ ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€€ΰ€¨ ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ€¨ΰ₯, ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ ΰ€΅ΰ€°ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€€ΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€Έΰ₯ΰ€€ ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ€¨ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€° ΰ€ ΰ€΅ΰ€Ύΰ€ΰ€ΰ€Ώΰ€€ ΰ€ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ€Άΰ€¨ ΰ€ΰ₯ ΰ€Ήΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€¨ΰ₯ ΰ€―ΰ€Ύ ΰ€ ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€·ΰ€� ΰ€ΰ€°ΰ€¨ΰ₯ ΰ€ΰ€Ύ ΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€� ΰ€Έΰ€ΰ€ΰ€Ύΰ€²ΰ€€ΰ€Ύ ΰ€Ήΰ₯ΰ₯€</p> hu: >- <p>A GNOME kiterjesztΓ©sek kezeli a kiterjesztΓ©sek frissΓtΓ©sΓ©t, a kiterjesztΓ©sbeΓ‘llΓtΓ‘sok konfigurΓ‘lΓ‘st Γ©s a nem kΓvΓ‘natos kiterjesztΓ©sek eltΓ‘volΓtΓ‘sΓ‘t vagy letiltΓ‘sΓ‘t.</p> bn: >- <p>ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦� ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ ΰ¦ ΰ§ΰ¦―ΰ¦Ύΰ¦ͺΰ¦ΰ¦Ώ ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ ΰ¦ΰ¦ͺ঑ΰ§ΰ¦, ΰ¦ͺΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦¦-ΰ¦ ΰ¦ͺΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ¦¦ ΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ¦«ΰ¦Ώΰ¦ ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ¦Ύ ΰ¦ΰ¦¬ΰ¦ ΰ¦ ΰ¦ͺΰ§ΰ¦°ΰ§ΰ§ΰ¦ΰ¦¨ΰ§ΰ§ ΰ¦ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦Έΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Άΰ¦¨ ΰ¦ ΰ¦ͺসারণ ঠনিষΰ§ΰ¦ΰ§ΰ¦°ΰ¦Ώΰ§ ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ¦Ύ ΰ¦ΰ¦€ΰ§ΰ¦―াদি ΰ¦ͺΰ¦°ΰ¦Ώΰ¦ΰ¦Ύΰ¦²ΰ¦¨ΰ¦Ύ ΰ¦ΰ¦°ΰ§ΰ₯€</p> pa: >- <p>ΰ¨ΰ¨¨ΰ©ΰ¨� ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Άΰ¨¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Άΰ¨¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ ਨΰ©ΰ©° ΰ¨ ΰ©±ΰ¨ͺ਑ΰ©ΰ¨ ΰ¨ΰ¨°ΰ¨¨, ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Άΰ¨¨ ΰ¨ͺਸੰਦਾਠਦ੠ਸੰਰΰ¨ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Ύ ΰ¨ΰ¨°ΰ¨¨ ਠ਀੠ਬΰ©ΰ¨²ΰ©ΰ©ΰ©ΰ¨ΰ¨ ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨Έΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¨ΰ¨Άΰ¨¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ ΰ¨Ήΰ¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ΰ¨£ ΰ¨ΰ¨Ύΰ¨ ΰ¨ ΰ¨Έΰ¨�ΰ¨°ΰ©±ΰ¨₯ ΰ¨ΰ¨°ΰ¨¨ ਦ੠ΰ¨ΰ©°ΰ¨� ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨ΰ¨¦ΰ©ΰ¨ΰ¨ ਹਨΰ₯€</p> sr-Latn: >- <p>Gnomova proΕ‘irenja rukovode aΕΎuriranjem proΕ‘irenja, podeΕ‘avanjem postavki proΕ‘irenja i uklanjanjem ili onemoguΔavanjem proΕ‘irenja.</p> pl: >- <p>Ten program obsΕuguje aktualizowanie, konfigurowanie preferencji oraz usuwanie iΒ wyΕΔ czanie niechcianych rozszerzeΕ.</p> nl: >- <p>GNOME Uitbreidingen staat in voor het bijwerken van uitbreidingen, hun voorkeuren te configureren of ongewenste uitbreidingen te verwijderen of uit te schakelen.</p> eo: >- <p>GNOME-etendaΔ΅oj administras Δisdatigon de etendaΔ΅oj, adoptadon de etendaΔ΅aj agordoj kaj forigo aΕ malΕaltigo de nebezonataj etendaΔ΅oj.</p> cs: >- <p>Aplikace RozΕ‘ΓΕenΓ GNOME umoΕΎΕuje aktualizaci a nastavenΓ pΕedvoleb rozΕ‘ΓΕenΓ a odstranΔnΓ nebo vypnutΓ nechtΔnΓ½ch rozΕ‘ΓΕenΓ.</p> ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: id: org.gnome name: C: The GNOME Project Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://apps.gnome.org/Extensions/ bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues translate: https://l10n.gnome.org/module/gnome-shell/ contribute: https://welcome.gnome.org/app/Extensions/ vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/tree/HEAD/subprojects/extensions-app donation: https://www.gnome.org/donate/ Icon: cached: - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/icons/128x128/gnome-shell-extension-prefs_org.gnome.Extensions.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Extensions Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Extensions.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch Screenshots: - default: true caption: zh-Hant-TW: δΈ»θ¦ηͺ kab: Asfaylu agejdan vi: Cα»a sα» chΓnh he: ΧΧΧΧ Χ¨ΧΧ©Χ fur: Barcon principΓ’l eu: Leiho nagusia ka: αααααα α α€ααα―αα α nb: Hovedvindu de: Hauptfenster be-Cyrl: ΠΠ°Π»ΠΎΡΠ½Π°Π΅ Π°ΠΊΠ½ΠΎ ia: Fenestra principal oc: FenΓ¨stra principala pt: Janela de Principal ro: FereastrΔ principalΔ pt-BR: Janela principal gl: Xanela principal fa: ΩΎΩΨ¬Ψ±ΩΩ Ψ§Ψ΅ΩΫ ru: ΠΠ»Π°Π²Π½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΎΠΊΠ½ΠΎ el: ΞΟ ΟΞ―ΟΟ ΟΞ±ΟΞ¬ΞΈΟ ΟΞΏ C: Main Window uk: ΠΠΎΠ»ΠΎΠ²Π½Π΅ Π²ΡΠΊΠ½ΠΎ kk-Cyrl: ΠΠ°ΡΡΡ ΡΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π·Π΅ fr: FenΓͺtre principale lt: Pagrindinis langas sv: HuvudfΓΆnster sk: HlavnΓ© okno da: Hovedvindue ca: Finestra principal it: Finestra principale ko: λ©μΈ μ°½ es: Ventana principal bg: ΠΡΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π΅Π½ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΡΠ΅Ρ hi: ΰ€�ΰ₯ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€― ΰ€΅ΰ€Ώΰ€ΰ€‘ΰ₯ sr-Cyrl: ΠΠ»Π°Π²Π½ΠΈ ΠΏΡΠΎΠ·ΠΎΡ tr: Ana Pencere zh-Hans-CN: δΈ»ηͺε£ id: Jendela Utama sl: Glavno okno fi: PÀÀikkuna lv: Galvenais logs hu: FΕablak pa: ΰ¨�ΰ©ΰ©±ΰ¨ ਡਿੰ਑੠pl: Okno gΕΓ³wne sr-Latn: Glavni prozor nl: Hoofdvenster en-GB: Main Window cs: HlavnΓ okno thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-1_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-1_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-1_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: zh-Hant-TW: ε―η¨ηζ΄ζ° kab: Ileqman yellan vi: CΓ‘c bαΊ£n cαΊp nhαΊt Δang cΓ³ he: Χ’ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ fur: Inzornaments disponibii eu: Eguneratze eskuragarriak ka: α�ααααα‘αα¬ααααα ααααα�αααααα nb: Tilgjengelige oppdateringer de: VerfΓΌgbare Aktualisierungen be-Cyrl: ΠΠ°ΡΡΡΠΏΠ½Ρ Π°Π±Π½Π°ΡΠ»Π΅Π½Π½Ρ ia: Actualisationes disponibile oc: Mesas a jorn disponiblas pt: Actualizaçáes disponΓveis ro: ActualizΔri disponibile pt-BR: Atualizaçáes disponΓveis gl: ActualizaciΓ³ns dispoΓ±Γbeis fa: Ψ¨ΩβΨ±ΩΨ²Β Ψ±Ψ³Ψ§ΩΫβΩΨ§Ϋ Ω ΩΨ¬ΩΨ― ru: ΠΠΎΡΡΡΠΏΠ½ΡΠ΅ ΠΎΠ±Π½ΠΎΠ²Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΡ el: ΞΞΉΞ±ΞΈΞΟΞΉΞΌΞ΅Ο Ξ΅Ξ½Ξ·ΞΌΞ΅ΟΟΟΞ΅ΞΉΟ C: Available Updates uk: ΠΠΎΡΡΡΠΏΠ½Ρ ΠΎΠ½ΠΎΠ²Π»Π΅Π½Π½Ρ kk-Cyrl: �ΠΎΠ»ΠΆΠ΅ΡΡΠΌΠ΄Ρ ΠΆΠ°�£Π°ΡΡΡΠ»Π°Ρ fr: Mises Γ jour disponibles lt: Prieinami atnaujinimai sv: TillgΓ€ngliga uppdateringar sk: DostupnΓ© aktualizΓ‘cie da: TilgΓ¦ngelige opdateringer ca: Actualitzacions disponibles it: Aggiornamenti disponibili ko: μ¬μ© κ°λ₯ μ λ°μ΄νΈ es: Actualizaciones disponibles bg: ΠΠ°Π»ΠΈΡΠ½ΠΈ ΠΎΠ±Π½ΠΎΠ²Π»Π΅Π½ΠΈΡ hi: ΰ€ΰ€ͺΰ€²ΰ€¬ΰ₯ΰ€§ ΰ€ ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€―ΰ€€ΰ€¨ sr-Cyrl: ΠΠΎΡΡΡΠΏΠ½Π° Π°ΠΆΡΡΠΈΡΠ°ΡΠ° tr: KullanΔ±labilir GΓΌncellemeler zh-Hans-CN: ε―η¨ζ΄ζ° id: Pemutakhiran yang Tersedia sl: RazpoloΕΎljive posodobitve fi: Saatavilla olevat pΓ€ivitykset lv: Pieejami atjauninΔjumi hu: ElΓ©rhetΕ frissΓtΓ©sek pa: ΰ¨ ΰ©±ΰ¨ͺ਑ΰ©ΰ¨ ΰ¨�ΰ©ΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨¦ ਹਨ pl: DostΔpne aktualizacje sr-Latn: Dostupna aΕΎuriranja nl: Beschikbare updates en-GB: Available Updates cs: DostupnΓ© aktualizace thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-2_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-2_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-2_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 - caption: he: ΧͺΧ¦ΧΧΧͺ ΧΧΧ€ΧΧ© zh-Hant-TW: ζε°ζͺ’θ¦ vi: Xem tΓ¬m kiαΊΏm eu: Bilaketa-ikuspegia fur: Viodude ricercje ka: α«ααααα‘ α�ααα nb: SΓΈkeside de: Suchansicht be-Cyrl: ΠΠΎΡΡΠΊ ia: Vista de cerca oc: Vista recΓ¨rca pt: Procurar ro: Vizualizarea cΔutΔrii pt-BR: Visualização da pesquisa gl: Vista de buscar fa: ΩΩ Ψ§Ϋ Ψ¬Ψ³ΨͺβΩΨ¬Ω ru: ΠΡΠΎΠ±ΡΠ°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ ΠΏΠΎΠΈΡΠΊΠ° el: Ξ ΟΞΏΞ²ΞΏΞ»Ξ� Ξ±Ξ½Ξ±ΞΆΞ�ΟΞ·ΟΞ·Ο C: Search View uk: ΠΠ°Π½Π΅Π»Ρ ΠΏΠΎΡΡΠΊΡ kk-Cyrl: ΠΠ·Π΄Π΅Ρ ΠΊΣ©ΡΡΠ½ΡΡΡ fr: Vue de la recherche lt: PaieΕ‘kos rodinys sv: SΓΆkvy sk: Zobrazenie vyhΔΎadΓ‘vania da: SΓΈgevisning ca: Vista de cerca it: Vista di ricerca ko: κ²μ 보기 es: Vista de bΓΊsqueda bg: ΠΠ·Π³Π»Π΅Π΄ Π·Π° ΡΡΡΡΠ΅Π½Π΅ hi: ΰ€ΰ₯ΰ€ ΰ€¦ΰ₯ΰ€Άΰ₯ΰ€― sr-Cyrl: ΠΡΠ΅Π³Π»Π΅Π΄ ΠΏΡΠ΅ΡΡΠ°Π³Π΅ tr: Arama GΓΆrΓΌnΓΌmΓΌ zh-Hans-CN: ζη΄’θ§εΎ id: Tampilan Pencarian sl: Iskalni pogled fi: HakunΓ€kymΓ€ lv: MeklΔΕ‘anas skats hu: KeresΓ©si nΓ©zet pa: ΰ¨ΰ©ΰ¨ ΰ¨ΰ¨²ΰ¨ pl: Widok wyszukiwania sr-Latn: Pregled pretrage nl: Zoekweergave en-GB: Search View cs: ZobrazenΓ vyhledΓ‘vΓ‘nΓ thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-3_752x466@1.png width: 752 height: 466 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-3_624x387@1.png width: 624 height: 387 - url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-3_224x138@1.png width: 224 height: 138 source-image: url: org/gnome/Extensions/6d9bc23c63526049622445c97d2cb7f2/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 922 height: 572 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Branding: colors: - type: primary scheme-preference: light value: '#c5eeb2' - type: primary scheme-preference: dark value: '#447637' Releases: - version: 48.rc type: development unix-timestamp: 1740873600 - version: 48.beta type: development unix-timestamp: 1738627200 - version: 48.alpha type: development unix-timestamp: 1736726400 description: C: >- <p>Allow closing window with shortcut</p> ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: apvlv.desktop Package: apvlv Name: C: apvlv Summary: tr: Minimalist bir belge gΓΆrΓΌntΓΌleyicisi fr: Un visionneur de document minimaliste es-CL: Un visor de documentos minimalista de: Ein minimalistischer Dokumenten-Betrachter pl: Minimalistyczna przeglΔ darka dokumentΓ³w uk-UA: ΠΠ΅Π³ΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅Π³Π»ΡΠ΄Π°Ρ Π΄ΠΎΠΊΡΠΌΠ΅Π½ΡΡΠ² it: Un visualizzatore di documenti minimalista ru: ΠΠΈΠ½ΠΈΠΌΠ°Π»ΠΈΡΡΠΈΡΠ½ΡΠΉ ΠΏΡΠΎΡΠΌΠΎΡΡΡΠΈΠΊ Π΄ΠΎΠΊΡΠΌΠ΅Π½ΡΠΎΠ² C: A minimalistic document viewer Description: it: >- <p>apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim - visualizzatore di PDF, di Alf, simile a Vim) Γ¨ un visualizzatore di PDF/EPUB/TXT/FB2 piccolo e veloce che utilizza poppler per il rendering. La sua interfaccia Γ¨ pensata per utenti a cui piace il comportamento di vim. Per esempio l'apertura di un file PDF puΓ² essere fatta con ":o filename". apvlv puΓ² anche funzionare con schede, cosΓ¬ Γ¨ possibile aprire piΓΉ file contemporaneamente nello stesso programma.</p> fr: >- <p>Apvlv (« Alf's PDF Viewer Like VimΒ Β») est un petit afficheur rapide pour les formats PDF/EPUB/TXT/FB2, qui utilise poppler pour le rendu. Son interface est destinΓ©e aux utilisateurs qui aiment le comportement de vim. Par exemple ouvrir un fichier PDF se fait avec la sΓ©quence « :o fichierΒ Β». Apvlv gΓ¨re Γ©galement les onglets, ainsi il est possible d'ouvrir plusieurs fichiers Γ la fois avec le mΓͺme programme.</p> C: >- <p>apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim) is a small and fast PDF/EPUB/TXT/FB2 viewer, that uses poppler for rendering. Its interface aims to users who like vim behaviour. For example opening a PDF file can be done with ':o filename'. apvlv can also work with tabs, so you can open multiple files at the same time in one program.</p> da: >- <p>Apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim) er en lille og hurtig PDF/EPUB/TXT/FB2-fremviser, der bruger Poppler til optegning. Dens grΓ¦nseflade er for brugere der er glade for Vim-opfΓΈrelsen. For eksempel kan Γ₯bning af en PDF-fil udfΓΈres med Β»:o filnavnΒ«. Apvlv kan ogsΓ₯ fungere med fanebalde, sΓ₯ du kan Γ₯bne flere filer pΓ₯ samme tid i et program.</p> en: >- <p>apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim) is a small and fast PDF/EPUB/TXT/FB2 viewer, that uses poppler for rendering. Its interface aims to users who like vim behaviour. For example opening a PDF file can be done with ':o filename'. apvlv can also work with tabs, so you can open multiple files at the same time in one program.</p> Categories: - Office - Viewer Keywords: C: - vim - pdf Icon: cached: - name: apvlv_x-office-document.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: apvlv_x-office-document.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: apvlv_x-office-document.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: a/ap/apvlv.desktop/560991eb1601e64beaf02f4ba29a1ab0/icons/128x128/apvlv_x-office-document.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: x-office-document Launchable: desktop-id: - apvlv.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/pdf - application/epub+zip - image/vnd.djvu